Over the years I've come across alot if unique and wierd gamertags and psn usernames. So I thought I would make a post and see how you guys came up with them.
I created mine about 10 years ago when I was big into the game runescape. I really wanted it to be "awhisperinthedark" but it was taken already and I really didn't want to have number in my name. But after trying for a good hour with different variations I made mine darkvoice7 and had to settle with a number at the end which was my favourite number. Since then it's the one I use for all online games, and I use darkvoice8 for forums and stuff.
If we can get this trending and keep it trending then maybe we can get deej and cozmo to tell us how they got/came up with their names.
Edit: alot of these are really unique :-) it's cool to see how certain things outside of games can have an effect on how people made their names.
Edit2: over 150 replies wow! I honestly wasn't expecting that many :-) thanks to everyone for contributing. Im enjoying reading them, and I'm sure other people are too :-)
Edited by Loknahk: 8/17/2015 5:33:32 AMWell, mine is kind of odd, especially it's because it's incorrect spelling of something I took it from and I've come to love it and I use it for everything.... Almost everything.... Deastroyer is another name that I adore simply because (I know there's a trend here) I made my first World of Warcraft character this because I did not know how to spell Destroyer.... But back to the name I use now. Within World of Warcraft Wrath of The Lich King, there is a very rare mob (that you could likely find instantly now) named, Loque'nahak... Me being... God, this was forever ago, don't remember how old I was but, quite a while... When I found out that my dad had tamed him I was like "Oh! You tamed him! That's sick! I'm going to name my character that when I make another!" knowing me I instantly hopped on right after he got off and tried to name my new character that... Little did I know that my spelling wasn't quite the same. Although it's spelled wrong, and pronounced quite differently I've found out, it's stuck and I love it. Sadly though I made the mistake of not making another Hunter and taming that pet to name it the original name to have Loknahk and Loque'nahak killing baddies together with names that could kill the baddies themselves while confusing the entirety of humanity. And that kids is how I met my username