Someone obviously didnt get a bid on bid day, or had his gf cheat on him at a party. Lol beta bitch.
I don't even know what that means.. How big is your fraternity that you still go on lfg and check people's grimroire scores? Lol how sad..
I just said that about the gscores just to piss people like you off. Thanks mission accomplished lol. Haha fag got.
U insignificant worthless senseless waist of air go back to your boyfriends and -blam!- off
Lol mission accomplished
Haha no not even close I am loving getting to be on both sides of this conversation see I got it from zur Thursday night at 2 in the morning then found it Monday night so non of this matters I happy I get to call u guys names I support everyone who got it
Lol ok. Go tell your frat bros about your accomplishment and go raid before the reset. with your 2 frat buddies.. Is your clan Alpha Zeta Beta or something like that?
Haha bro i like upset you are. You look really cute
I'm flattered, but I don't play for your fraternity's team. Plus you need a higher grimroire score before I'd consider giving a girl like you some of my time..
Edited by Dustisaurus_Rex: 8/17/2015 5:28:51 PMLol someones mad
it must hurt when you lay down at night, and think about how you had to pay a fraternity for friends in college, ill pray for you
I don't even know what that means. All I know is your fraternity must be huge that you use lfg while checking grimroire scores lol
bad trolls gon bad