[b]To be clear, no where in this post am I claiming to be the best or even good at Trials, the following are just where I rank on the Leaderboards via DestinyTracker with specific Stats. I was surprised at how high some of these were and wanted to share them.[/b]
[b]Last Updated:[/b] 8/22/15
It may get outdated from time to time
[u]For PSN in the U.S. - Trials of Osiris[/u]
[b]Ranked #3[/b] for [url=http://destinytracker.com/destiny/leaderboards/ps/mostprecisionkills?grouped=true&page=1&country=United%20States&playlist=trialsofOsiris]Most Precision Kills in a Single Game[/url] - 26 Precision Kills
[b]Ranked #23[/b] for [url=http://destinytracker.com/destiny/leaderboards/ps/bestsinglegamekills?grouped=true&page=1&country=United%20States&playlist=trialsofOsiris]Best Single Game Kills[/url] - 29 Kills
[b]Ranked #20[/b] for [url=http://destinytracker.com/destiny/leaderboards/ps/killspga?grouped=true&page=1&country=United%20States&playlist=trialsofOsiris]Avg Kills per Game[/url] - 9.91 KPG
[b]Ranked #56[/b] for [url=http://destinytracker.com/destiny/leaderboards/ps/longestkillspree?grouped=true&page=1&country=United%20States&playlist=trialsofOsiris]Longest Kill Streak[/url] - 17 Kills
If anyone wants to check out some of my gameplay here are my [url=https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLam1jPwjfowV0pUE844tjBpIncSykJ7_5]Trials Highlights[/url]
If I could make you a golden multi mida I would. Be out Legos though but it's the thought that went in it.