[b]walks over and puts her arms around you[/b] "So what are you up to?"
[b]He wraps his arms around you.[/b] "Nothing really. Just looking around. What about you?"
"Nothing much"
"Ah ok. We can drive around the city, go out and get some lunch or something."
"Or we could just chill here"
"I'm cool with that."
[b]she kisses you[/b]
[b]He smiles and kisses back[/b]
[b]smiles then walks to the edge of the roof[/b]
[b]Walks and stands next to her.[/b]
[b]holds your hand[/b]
[b]He holds hers and smiles at her.[/b]
[b]smiles back[/b]
[b]He looks out into the city.[/b] "This city has been through some tough things."
"It has"
"I hope Kai will return." [b]He says sadly.[/b]
[b]He looks around the city then trails off to the sky.[/b]
*rests her head on your shoulder*
[b]Pulls her closer and a breeze of wind comes by.[/b]
"This is relaxing"
"It is. It's nice."
[b]Smiles back[/b]
"I have to go I'll see you later" [b]kisses you then grapples away[/b]