Ahem.....from outta nowhere: [spoiler]Fist Of Havoc!!![/spoiler]
Edited by Killer_Turtle022: 8/18/2015 4:06:01 AMYou mean: Ahem...from outta nowhere: [spoiler]Fist of Panic![/spoiler] [spoiler]i always laugh when one titan fist of panics me, its like bro are you that pathetic?[/spoiler]
Yes ;)
Titans are my least favorite class imo
For PvE Defender Titan is the best, even better than Sun Singer, and this is coming from a guy that mains a Warlock lol.
I rarely ever see defender Titans in the crucible actually. And you might wanna check my profile again... [spoiler]my warlock is level 3 so no...[/spoiler]
I said PvE not PvP.
Shit didn't read it right my bad lol. Yea for PvE they're really useful but they suck in PvP. One of the best feelings is seeing a titan bubble in crucible when you have heavy and popping the bubble with a shot from gjallarhorn :P