[b]I smirk and look back at you[/b]
You don't want to meet him unless you have too.
"Uh okay then. Not sure how I should take that but uh yeah thanks for keeping an eye on me."
No problem.
"Yeah thanks man. I'll see you around. Know that I have full control of this demon it's time to see what I can do." [b]I say walking past you but stop.[/b] "Hey uh phantom why do you look crazy? Your hair is messed up and you look like you just wrestled a bear and why do you smell funky. What you been up to bud?" [b]He says with a grin and coking an eyebrow upward.[/b]
[b]I keep walking[/b] Training Session.
"Uh huh yeah sure. Whatever you say man."[b]He says sarcastically and teleports into his room.[/b]
Damn you.... [b]I enter my room again and enter my Bacta-Tank[/b]
[b]Comms:[/b] "Comm check bud." [b]You hear him laughing through his Comms.[/b]
[b]My Comm cuts as I lose consciousness[/b]
[b]Jack sleeps in his room like a rock.[/b]