originally posted in:Terror Americus
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Based on info gathered from Terror Britannia these are the best days for clan activity:
Monday-Catch up with raids, help out any fellow clan members, get ready for the reset and have fun at Trials if needed.
Tuesday-Nightfall day and weekly heroics.
Wednesday-Raid day( this is the least laggy day of the week for raids and if done the start Trials)
Thursday-Trials Of Osiris Day!
Friday-PoE Day, Xur arrives, continue Trials if needed
Saturday-Help fellow guardians on bounties and team up for Trials.
Sunday-Free time, help other out on Trials.
EVENT SCHEDULE( Iron Banner, Queen's Wrath )
Monday-Finish up Event, help others with it or complete unfinished tasks.
Tuesday-Raid day
Wednesday-Nightfall and weekly day
Thursday-Continue Event
Friday-Start PoE, Xur arrives
Saturday- Event day
Sunday-Finish up PoE if needed and continue with Event, help out fellow clanmates with raids, Crucible, Nightfall, Heroic if needed
Comment below if you feel like changes need to be applied. Thank You.
Hey Rex doesn't trials go from Friday to Tuesday weekly reset?