"By my own curse? Then yeah."
I've never known half breeds to be assaulted by their demon side
"Ah ok. Did they go through an eternal war as well?"
You're probably possessed by a demon
"No. Well he was trying to take over but we fought I won. I control him now. He tried through."
Well it's better than having to behead you...I really wanted to use my new guillotine
[b]I stare at you blankly[/b] "Wait what?"
Umm...nothing *pulls out my black leather book and starts reading it*
[b]He looks at the book.[/b] "What you got there?"
A book
"No kidding what's it about?"
[b]He stares at you.[/b]
"Never mind. Forget it."
Alright I will
"Well what's been happening?"
Nothing much except slitting my wrists and cauterizing the wounds
The new one that causes me trouble thinks he can kill me so I showed him it's impossible
"Well that's pretty dumb of him because you are the king of hell. I don't know why someone would mess with that."
Because he's an arrogant....he wants to pick fights with the wrong people then runs away calling them a coward