[b][u]EDIT: TTK stream revealed no change to perk transparency. Continue to bump this to make it known to bungie we want this! This isn't a hard change, all we want is perk descriptions to be accurate![/u][/b]
I feel like this game needs more transparency. I'm getting annoyed with finding out a perk works nothing at all like the description says, hidden perks not even made aware to the player, or perks doing virtually nothing at all.
Some quick examples are glass half full in PvP, I'm not sure how it works on other tiers, but on minimum impact assault rifles it doesn't boost damage at all in PvP, and in PvE gives you a whopping 3-4 additional damage. Why is it even available to roll?
Rodeo on pulse rifles, I specifically tested the iron banner one, one with counterbalance, one with rodeo, all other stats the same. Rodeo reacted EXACTLY the same as if the gun did NOT have the perk. I have a video comparing both perks, can upload later if you guys want. Counterbalance DID help a lot though.
With rodeo on or off the gun veers WAY left as you shoot, with counterbalance it stays centered. No vertical change or anything with rodeo. It didn't do anything.
Battled Runner is a straight up white lie, it does not simply increase top Sprint speed, it straight up gives the player like +4 agility when activated. Why not just say that?
Who's Next claims to increase reload speed with a kill with a final round of the magazine. It does not, a kill starts a timer and if you empty your magazine in a few second the perk will still work, last bullet kill not required.
There are so many of these, some become total frustrations, when you roll a useless gun and you don't realize it, or the fact you can roll them to begin with with pointless perks.
Why not tell us exactly how much rangefinder affects range? (I am aware they did in a recent nerf update, but I mean in general). Why doesn't counterbalance affect the stability bar?
Why are stats like recoil direction and aim assist hidden for players?
Opinions on how bungie has handled this so far? I would like more concrete numbers, percentages, and descriptions that don't misinform the player.
We should not have had to guess for weeks what the hell hidden hand actually did. Or unflinching.
I understand they did it for simplicity, but is "lying" (please take that word with a grain of salt, it's an iffy term to use, but we are being misinformed on purpose), about perks and giving us vague descriptions really more simple than "increases range by 30%", and the range bar increases to show exactly how it is affected?
Also stat caps are annoying. I understand why you have them, make them EXPLICITLY OBVIOUS. If rangefinder is affected by the cap, let us know on the gun. Highlight the REST of the bar that WOULD have been used if the perk worked (like an extra sliver if you have increased range barrel) and make it BLUE or YELLOW to show us "hey, this is the amount of stats you are wasting".
I agree, more hard numbers. reactive reload; how much does it boost damage? I want a percentage without having to look up a YouTube video.