I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
What's with all of the materials seeking? We are already deleting stacks every week. Can we turn them in for reputation?
If I am playing as a hunter will I be able to help my fireteam members complete titan or warlock exclusive quests?
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?
artifacts? how do they work and how do you get them?
Will Exotic Shards be of any use After The Taken King?
will the frontier ghost shell do anything special now or will it stay the same
[b]Will the Frontier Shell have any stats/perks added to it?[/b]
Edited by Raziel Cruentus: 8/19/2015 6:48:48 PMWhat is the new maximum amount of marks we can hold? And what if all our current marks combined (vanguard and crucible) are more than that new maximum? Edit: Nevermind, they just answered this!
Will my frontier shell have any new pearks?
How many ghost shells are going to be available to collect?
Any change on the reef?
Will there be more DLC after Taken King?
Custom games?
what about the ghost i got from the collectors edition
Will the maximum glimmer be increased with The Taken King?
Are legendary marks maxed at 200?
How will the year one exotics make their way into year two?
What will happen to etheric light?
Can we get some more info on trophies?
Will Crucible/Vanguard Commendations have a use again in TTK?
What is the something better that DeeJ said year ones will get.
Vehicle bounties, are they back?!?
What happens to our old cloaks and bonds from the speaker? Do they get updated or do we have to buy the new ones in order to get the taken king perks?
When will you raise the glimmer cap????
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?