I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?
Will the glimmer and legendary marks get a higher cap?
Will we receive anything for the faction ranks we have already gone through?
Is Eva Levante still useless?
Will our rep be reset for TTK
Will you be able to edit your characters face?
What will happen to exotic shards?...
How will Trials of Osiris be changed to keep up with the new endgame?
Ethric Light??????
Custom games?
Edited by Mr Banterbear: 8/19/2015 6:35:58 PMhow many ghost shells can we have at once?
If you've already unlocked, for example, blade dancer, can you still do the blade dancer quest line? Or do you need a new character?
What is iron banner going to look like for TTK?
What is happening to xur in TTK?
Is there exotic ghost shells ??
Vault space?
When will we find out what the "something better" is that DeeJ promised to the Year 1 players?
What will happen to year one gear once the Taken King comes out? And can you be able to recive weapons from Vanilla, Dark Below, or House of Wolves?
Are harmonic essence, sapphire wire, and plasteel plating all combined into one armor part now??
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?
Is there a new glimmer cap?
Can you please list what you did to unlock an emblem after it's been unlocked?
Will deleted emblems/shaders/ships show up as part of my collection once TTK is live?
Edited by Ninjoey: 8/19/2015 6:35:44 PMI have 10 completed bounties on all three of my characters to prepare myself for The Taken King. With the new revamp to the bounty system and the addition of new bounties (and possible removal of old bounties), will my bounties be safe? Bounties.
Fate of all fools?
Do the armor effects such as "increased recovery against solar dmg" stack? Do the effects work in PvP against things such as Supers, Melee, Grenades?