I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Will raid armor and other special armor drops be effected by the new armor perks?
1.) will the other vendors at the towers inventory change (like lord shaxes for example). 2.)Has the max glimmer capacity been increased or changed at all? 3.) will private matches ever be implemented into the game? 4.) What are the new mission modifiers that you have created for the taken king?
Do sparks of light level up your subclasses as well?
How exactly does breaking down gear to make other gear more powerful work?
Hello can you provide me with a list in order of the certain things you are revealing in the twitch stream?
Cozmo can we get a response to the UK price please?
For items before the taken King will they not be getting the new perks? Am I going to have to rebut my entire collection of capes?
Rumor is you can forge gear together, is this true?
Will the exotic blueprints be like a trophy room for all your exotics sort of like another vault just for your exotics?
Can we change the look of out guardians?
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?
Would they be able to explain the naming process for how they got the new Subclass names? Specifically the Sunbreaker subclass name?
What is going to happen with the old raid gear in the previous two raids? Will it be pointless doing the old raids?
Is reforging still going to be an option in TTK?
Edited by VLAN: 8/19/2015 6:30:43 PMWill doubles grimore ever be fixed before TTK
what are you going to do with existing exotic ? will they still be viable for The Taken King ?
Do tower venders change inventories?
Do shaders/emblems you get on one character apply to all characters?
Is 200 still the cap for Legendary marks? It seems low.
Will raid gear get Solar based perks as well?
Edited by Seth, Knower of Things: 8/19/2015 6:31:59 PMWhat the emblemed perk on the left side of the every armor piece?
is the replay value of the TTk more valuable than the Dark below & HOW ?
Are you doing an exotic collection system?
Are the collections shared between characters?
Hey Cosmo! Are the "armor materials" replacing each class's materials such as Hadronic Essence or Plasteel Plating?
Edited by Jaycubz: 8/19/2015 6:30:36 PMWill reforging still be a feature? If so, will there be any changes to them?