I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Will year one exotics be upgradeable or no?
if you rank up with vanguard or dead orbit or one of the other factions will we see better drop chances for a shader or gear instead of motes of light dropping 90% of the time?
Edited by AnonPig: 8/19/2015 11:22:48 AM[b]How much time did Skolas spend in the a Vex Networks. Can a Guardian naturally have more than one subclass and we're just special or do they all have their preferred? Example: Saint-14 Defender, Erianna-3 Sunsinger Will we ever see anything of the House of Scar? (And are they really just the House of Exile, Taniks being a Baron, maybe higher) Was the Black Heart a Vex made Proto-Darkness? Will we be seeing Taken in-game pre release? Is the release at midnight or 11? (And who's midnight?) Is the Cult of the Worm outside the PoE, and are they another faction of Hive that would be at war with Oryx? Eir Xol Yul and Ur, these are the gods above Oryx, are they Hive, or something more pure to the Darkness? Would Luke Smith like to enjoy sandwiches with me? I'd ask him myself, but I want it asked live for the stream because I think it'd be funny. Back to Eir Xol Yul and Ur, is the fifth Nyx? And further is Nyx the Darkness it(her) self? Is Alpha Lupi a Guardian? Is it the Traveler? Is bunker War-3 seen in the teaser another warminds name, such as Warton, or is it warmind-3 How did Erianna-3 die? Anozmo? Do you ship it? AnonDeej? What about that? AnonSmith #SandwichBros4Lyfe Will we be seeing new Weapons of Sorrow? Will our sparrows be getting new upgrades, like how class items are? Maybe different boost types, small weaponry, anti-grav systems to keep you airborne longer, etc etc. Will bungie ever incorporate novelization as a lore device? Such as Saint-14's Crusade against the Eliksni, the a Faction Wars, etc. Will we ever get to read more of the Book of the Maraid? I believe we get the complete book VIII and the last chapter of VII if I'm not getting the numbers wrong, which is conveniently the Reef Wars, but I want more. Can I be an honorary Kell? I'm already Kell of a House of Pigs, so I know I already am, but I'd like it to be officially approved by you. House Rain, Scar(Exile), Winter, Devil's, Wolves, Judgement, and Kings. Are there actually more, or on their home were Houses actually countries? It's possible, but unlikely everyone in the Devil's is of the same lineage, and they swear fealty where they wish so there doesn't seem to be bloodlines. Was Judgment just a House of Scribes?[/b] I put the ones I really want to know in bold I'll ask more if I get the time later, hopefully I will.
I would like to know what is going to happen to our current Subclasses on a newly leveled character via the 1 time boost? Will I need to re-level them, or will they be maxed out?
What will happen with etheric light ?
Will you current vanguard and crucible marks be changed into ledgendary marks. If you had both maxed out, surely you would get a coupl of marks when they are changed over
Petra Bounties With Eris we had Sword Knights, and other bounties that can happen durring patrol. When HoW dropped, the swords went only to the Fist of Crota. When TTK drops, what will happen to the Prowling Wolves and the target bounties associated with them? Considering that there are Grimoire cards connected to them.
Will the new raid King's Fall have cutscenes or any context at all in order to make it feel more alive yet still vague?
Etheric light - will it have any value? If not, will players be able to exchange? Exotic shards will still have use I am guessing, but everyone has so many. Will players be able to exchange?
If somebody doesn't buy The Taken King, will the leveling system remain the same in which they will still be required to wear gear with light to achieve level 34?
Do we learn more about the nine and what kind of artifacts are use for and are they compatible to a certain sub class ( solar arc void) or the class of a certain guardian use
I am very excited at the prospect of Exotic Blueprints, however as a completionist I am afraid that the new year 2 versions of exotics will replace the year one versions, rendering my nearly complete collection of year 1 exotic weapons (missing only Icebreaker, Fourth Horseman, and MIDA Multitool) permanently incomplete. And then there are the Xbox users who never got a chance at a year 1 Hawkmoon/Monte Carlo/Fourth Horseman to begin with. Will they be forever uncollectible once TK comes out?
Will there be an easy fast way to use heavy ammo synts during battle ?
Edited by Moistnar: 8/19/2015 5:41:55 PM1. In a recent video, Datto speculated that some Exotic weapons are not going to be upgradeable to the new damage cap. If this is true, can you tell us which ones? 2. Can we please get custom games for The Taken King with modifiers and such? It seems like Destiny is the only game on the market that doesn't have this feature.
All I want to know is what is happening to my year on exotics.
So far no responses from Cozmo... Was this the intention of this thread or will questions be addressed during the Twitch?
Whats the "something better" that was promised to us by Deej??
Edited by Pilpulp: 8/19/2015 5:36:28 PMWhat level do we start at. E.G., I am 34 now, after I start the first mission will I be 34? If the answer is yes, won't current players be above all of the content?
Is there two sets of year one exotics? and can I still obtain the year one exotics?
When will the $60 TTK version be available for pre-order on Xbox One and Xbox 360?
Flaming hammers?
1.What will be the conversion process for Crucible/Vanguard marks into Legendary marks? 2.How useful will Motes of Light and Stange coins be in the new expansion? 3. How will we ascend our current exotics into year 2?
Can we PLEASE upgrade the Stranger's Rifle to a maxed out Legendary?! Please? :)
Edited by BlessTheMic863: 8/19/2015 5:39:38 PMHey Cozmo I play on both Xbox systems and would like to know if TTK will be like Vanilla Destiny was: buy the digital version on old gen and it transfers over to next gen?
If I have 200/200 vangaurd/crucible marks will that translate to 400 legendary marks or is there still a cap at 200?