I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
If I have 200/200 vangaurd/crucible marks will that translate to 400 legendary marks or is there still a cap at 200?
Edited by señor_pwnador: 8/19/2015 5:38:56 PMAdditional Slots for Characters: Many of us have grown to love our characters,over the last year (I've only been playing since June and I love mine), and I know I'm not alone when I say I'd love to play the content all over again with TKK continuity. Is there any hope that we'll see additional character slots with TKK or any time soon?
Edited by OldManSeven: 8/19/2015 5:04:55 PMWill a current/veteran player that has 3 fully leveled guardians get to experience the newly revamped story the same way a new player will or will they have to delete one and start completely over? Will there be a way to play through the story from beginning to end with a current, fully leveled guardian? Also if E-light is going away what will be the point of the POE now.
Will there be some kind of "primer/teaser" activity in the next few weeks similar to the Blades of Crota prior to the release of TDB and Wolves prior to the release of HOW?
[b]SIDEARMS[/b]!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will we see more sidearms faction, foundry raid event? I like them a lot!!!!! also buff dregg's promise.
What was the dev team response when you asked about optional MM?
How will we upgrade our current exotics in TTK?
How many new Exotic weapons, in exact terms, are there in The Taken King?
Will we be able to upgrade exotics to the new light number, or will we have to buy new ones? New, duplicates...
Can you tell us more about this Heavy Fusion Rifle I've heard about?
Edited by me2ez: 8/19/2015 5:38:56 PM[b]When will we be able to play custom games for the purpose of organized online competition?[/b] PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION :(
Will Xylar, the timeless be nerfed?
Will there be private Crucible games and tougher punishments for cheaters/afkers in the future?
where can i watch the stream later today? its on while im at work :(
When is it starting?
Will there be a ranking system with Banshee ?
Will there be any more character slots for those of us who would like to start a fresh character on the revamped mission structure, but don't want to delete a character? (Me) Or can we at least change the way we look?
Will Sparrow's and Ships be receiving Shader Customization in The Taken King?
Will we ever get Player Housing.
I understand we cant upgrade our legendary gear, but what about our exotics? Do our exotics stay in year 1 too? Or will they be upgrade-able into year 2?
Can we upgrade our exotic weapons to the next damage level?
Will the broadcast be saved on Twitch? I'm not going to be able to watch it live as I'm working but want to be able to watch it start to finish once I'm home.
Any additional matchmaking? Social area to gather in game to meet and find players?
Are there any plans for sparrow racing modes in the Taken King or Destiny 2? I feel it could be huge for the eSports scene, especially given the recent popularity of Rocket League.
When is the livestream?
Where is the place to watch the stream?