I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
You showed us in the teaser trailer the exotic blueprint sheet. Where can we find this, and even further, how would we go about upgrading our old exotics to Year Two specs? (I.e, showed in the video, Bad Juju, Hawkmoon, Last Word, Thunderlord, etc.)
What in the hell are name plates and infusion??
What is your favorite color?
During some gameplay videos of the taken king the community has spotted something in the heavy slot, what is this new heavy weapon? Is it a sword, new gun, or something else?
Will the old subclasses be getting a rebalance or will they relatively be staying the same?
Will there be a Looking for Group Tool implemented in game with the taken king? Please Please add this!!!!!!
Can I watch the reveal without having a twitch account?
Edited by ShadowScorp99: 8/19/2015 5:33:41 PMIs there two sets of of every year one exotic? One for year one, and one that has been "Taken" for year two? If so can I still obtain the year one exotics?
One question that is important to me (and possibly thousands of others), Will we be able to ascend our current Legendary gear? At least sometime in the future after TTK drops? A lot of players have worked hard to get our characters to the way they wanted them to look. A lot of players have also worked hard to obtain the weapons they wanted. Why will all of this now be in vain, especially since HoW we have had the option to ascend our older gear. What has changed since?
Edited by WhiteSun: 8/19/2015 5:33:34 PMDo you ... know.... the muffin-man ..?
How much wood would a warlock chuck if a warlock could chuck wood? Really sorry guys....just couldn't resist. Mainly just curious about the whole 'don't dismantle stuff yet'....after I dismantled stuff.
Well, a question that has been bothering me is, what will be the difference between a guardian level 35 and 300 light and a guardian level 40 with 300 light? Since the light determines your damage output and your defence, will it be the same for both?
How can I take a week off work but still afford to pay all my bills?
Is xylar getting nerfed?
What do we need for exotic blueprints?
DeeJ is going to be there wearing that jacket he had when you were doing the ToO stream right?
Are there going to be any changes made to how Strike Playlist matchmaking works? Is there going to be a greater chance of us playing a different strike in a playlist or is it all still random?
Will there be more void exotics in the taken King?
Will all year 1 exotics be upgradable in taken king?
Are custom matches in the works? We have been asking for this since launch.
My question. For those players in their mid 20s who are at work during this feed. Will it be posted on YouTube or some other site for me to watch at a later time?
Is there any plans to address perks that don't work (like the Titan Suppressor Grenades) and will there ever be a Class re balance to make Defender more robust offensively?
How will we be upgrading our exotics? There's some confusion in regards to keeping our levels, would you mind clearing it up for us. (Some think if you hit 34, you'll be 34, others claim we'll go to 20 or 25)
Will we ever recieve Kinetic Burn as a modifier? Elemental Weapons are a must for pve there are no non elemental primaries that are viable options. This would make them just as useful.
Will buying TTK digitally on PS4 allow me to play on the PS3 as well? If not, will buying it digitally on PS3 allow me to play it on PS4?
Edited by GreatBody46: 8/19/2015 5:23:55 PMWith the exotic blueprint teaser when you upgrade an exotic does it change cosmetically and what do you have to do to get the materials required to upgrade the exotic. Thanks for answering this in stream if you do :)