I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
What time will it be for the UK (GMT timezone)?
I would like to know What are those????
What channel is it?
Will we be able to dismantle vehicles for glimmer or shipwright xp?
Does Banshee-44 know the Exo Stranger from back in the Golden Age?
Edited by Sincerely_Hype: 8/19/2015 5:22:49 PMWill there be anything that will actually be able to combat against, pre-nerf gjallahorn in TTK?
Edited by Uncrazzamatic: 8/19/2015 5:10:49 PMWill there be any buffs/nerfs to the existing subclasses in the Taken King both in PVE and PVP? For those who preordered the Collector's Edition, it was mentioned they will be getting other stuff. When will we hear about that?
Where can I find the stream on twitch?
So we know a little about the Suros Arsenal pack (Thanks DEEJ!) and supposedly there's a Hakke one (not sure where that idea came from but I thought I read something about it). How many of these arsenal packs are there, are they random, or do we get all of them at the same time? I preordered collectors edition (Physical) and just wondered what would be coming as far as that. Thanks! Hopefully this helps the stream do well to answer community questions. I'll be trying to keep an eye on things while I'm here at work :)
Can I watch the stream from playstation live?
Let's get a Taken version of the Vault of Glass.
Is any Barber Shop in the works? Common Bungie, how come this hasn't been implemented or announced already? We want more options to customize our character looks and actually be able to change them. The only way to change a character is actually to make a new one and no one wants to do that.
Exotic Blueprints: What are they?!
Is the gear for raid rewards being changed in year two or are they going to remain the same?
If we start an exotic bounty in year 1 but don't complete it until after TTK drops do we get the Year 2 version of the weapon?
What's infusion
Will the price difference of The Taken King for UK and Australian players ever be fixed or even addressed by Bungie or Activision?
Australian Taken King Price?!!
Have you released the information about charging for a new season pass along with TTK? I'm going to guess it'll be $40....
Does the 6 new Exotic Armor pieces for each class include the previously known Exotic Class Items?
Ok I wanna know if we will have ever an in game chat system that would be amazing!
Will we finally have a sparrow that fires weapons, and will the ships and sparrows ever be dismantled for anything other than a silent disappearance?
Will it blend?
Will our ghost give us a cool map of the massive dreadnaught?
With the stream going on today, will you give us clarification on Trials of Osiris weapons? Since Trials is coming back every week as usual, will we be seeing the same weapons at the new attack stat or will they remain the same? No need for a definite answer, just want to know if this will be addressed.
Are you going to be continuing with the idea that Prison of Elders is an 'End Game' piece of content, and thus expanding on it, or tweaking it for TTK end game? If so, will there be a new 'Skolas'? If not, please explain what the thought process was on leaving it behind and if you feel like it's something to keep for the future.