I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Can you double jump in social spaces?
Edited by Tortuga: 8/19/2015 5:11:01 PMPlease give me a shout out? Tortugakoski is the name playing destiny is the game.
Will the old raids and Prison of Elders get updated to new difficulty levels in order to stay in line with The Taken King's new level and light caps?
Edited by Tyson Bison: 8/19/2015 5:04:11 PMWhy in the reveal teaser is their a hand cannon with both the "future war cult" AND "omolon" emblem on it? Is this some sort of future war cult gun skin? Or are there "sub-factions" of some sort
Can the pve worlds (planets) be made bigger?
This may be answered in the reveal but I will ask anyway.... Will faction shaders and ships be sold in TTK?
What about our year 1 weapons and what about the year 1 raids
Edited by Traeth: 8/19/2015 4:08:46 PMWill the ghost be able to scan things while in patrol and previous missions? Also will exotics be distributed through RNG and quests or just quests. Please be quests.
What inspired the new subclasses?
Will we be getting new weapons perks like we did with HoW?
How will the old raids, the poe, and trials be relevant in year 2
will rocket launchers have the amount of rockets they pick up in pvp nerfed (pls do this)
If I buy TTK for 360/PS3 can I upgrade it for free to the XB1/PS4 like the original Destiny? I'm getting a XB1 shortly after and would like to know if I should wait until then to buy TTK. Thanks Cozmo -Erk
Are you showing gameplay from the campaign including cutscenes?
Why do you guys continuously make us more hyped?? I want it to be September already!
Will you be able to wear a exotic class item and exotic armor piece at the same time? And will we lose any marks in the transition from vanguard and crucible to legendary marks? Or will just have 400 legendary marks?
as there seems to be quest lines for specific items, which I got the impression were for the new exotics, will the old exotics get the same treatment? or am I way off in that assumption?
Are year 1 exotics going to have the top attack value for year2?
How many new exotic weapons are there?
On average how many ghost shells?
why some year 1 weapon are in the year 2 slot in the exotic blueprint? and why cant we see ghorn in the year 1 are you changing some perks or they are consider year 2 because it got a nerf? will our vanguard and crucible marks will be convert to the new legendary marks or are we losing them?
Will there be a raid delay, and a hard mode raid delay. If so, what is the scedule of their releases.
What will artifacts do?
Why r u better than deej
Which non-Crucible activities will I still be able to viably use my Doctor Nope?
Will the necochasm evolve from Oryx as well since it feeds off hive?