I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
will ttk content be a redeemable code in the ce phyiscal edition ? i hate discs but want a strange coin .
Can someone please tell me when the stream is?
When will the digital preorder be available for ps3 and 360?
What time is the stream?
Will their be an option to play solo for the new stuff?
What do artifacts do?
Is the Gateway the beginning part of the raid?
What is being done to ensure that the raids currently available remain relevant in year 2 of destiny. Is the gear/materials being dropped to be changed to more relevant materials for upgrade, or what if anything is happening on that front?
Will other people still be able to see the amount of grimoire you have? Since I saw that it's not on the emblem anymore
How can I tell Deej to suck my balls?
Is Gjallerhorn getting a redesign thumbnail like suros and Hawkmoon? Just tell me that, that guardian didn't get his Gjallerhorn to drop yet and that video was made before last Friday when xur sold it.
Will the Nepal shader emails work like the t-shirts where it's first come-first served? [spoiler]because I don't want to wait 3 month like I had to do with the T-shirt ;~;[/spoiler]
Can we have our old gear turned into costume gear? That way we can still feel attached to our old stuff without being left behind?
Are you going to be showing off some of the new emotes in these streams?
When we will explore more of the planets we already have
Don't reply to this thread if you want "non manufactered" answers to your questions. Wait for it....
I'm sure you will answer it today as I anticipate but I wanna know about the weapon upgrade system and exotics.
Will the vanguard, crucible, and faction vendors stock be on rotation now? What will happen to our year 1 exotics? How many new exotics are in the game? Will we all have to wear the raid gear or iron banner gear to be max level again?
I'm not familiar with twitch or any of that stuff. How do I watch the stream exactly?
How long will the subclass quests be?
Match making please
Will our CE-Ghost gain any stats or will it stay just "cosmetics"?
Will the Digital Upgrade program be extended to include The Taken King?
will we be fighting any Taken Guardians ?
Will the taken king finally be a more opened world destiny? Or is it going to be more closed off then ever. You guys keep avoiding my question and its making me uneasy about this dlc.
Here's my question: Will you ever justify the overseas pricing structure and the reasons why non-US players have to pay up to 100% more for the same content, whilst having US only promotions that give more content to US players, further excluding those of us outside the US?