I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
When will destiny stop being an expensive beta?
you guys (I think Deej specifically) mentioned that you could "break down unwanted legendaries to upgrade others" is that true ? and if so how does it work? and will there be a cap or will it function more like Borderlands 2 Badass rank system ?
Will the character level boost give XP to our newly born Guardian's subclass?
Edited by CaptainJackSolo: 8/19/2015 2:43:51 PMSince many of us have fully leveled sub-classes, will there be an ability to still do the quests associated with these "old" sub-classes? Or do we have to start whole new characters? Will hard to obtain year 1 faction shaders be available to purchase from the revamped factions? Existing faction rep be kept or do we have to re-rank up? Will the ability to sell planetary materials (I.e. Spin metal, spirit bloom and etc) be available? What happens to the existing shaders & emblems? Do they just disappear from inventory on the 15th and then made available in these new kiosks? Will un-encrypted engrams gained during year 1, and saved in inventory/post master, de-crypt into year 2 items on September 15th?
VoG, CE, PoE....still gonna be irrelevant? Will the new raid only be relevant for a few months?
Don't you find it a bit weird that Crota kind of looks like one of the Taken?
Are all the Year 1 exotics coming with us to Year 2? Some of them? Or are they all getting left behind?
Is TTK going to have any story relating to the Speaker or the Traveler? I feel like vanilla Destiny had a pretty straight forward story regarding the Traveler and the Speaker and then abruptly ended in Act 1, leaving us hanging for more of the story and with lots of questions. Then TDB came out and introduced a...side-story or side-quest we'll call it, not really expanding on the original story arc. Then the HOW came out and, again, introduced another side-story not really building on the direction or arc of the original story. TTK looks poised to elaborate on TDB and Crota arc but doesn't appear to answer any of the questions players like me care about: What is the Traveler? Where did it come from? Is it good or evil? What do the other races have to do with the Traveler? were they at one point blessed with the Traveler and are now trying to get it back? are they trying to destroy it? What about the Speaker; is he telling the whole truth? This was where Vanilla destiny started and where we spent levels 1-20 hoping to figure out. Are we ever going to get an elaboration of that story arc? Or is Destiny going to be a bunch of DLC's with new side stories.? TL;DR Are we going to see an expansion of the orginal story arc regarding the Traveler, Speaker and Exo Stranger? or is this going to a "one-off" story like TDB and HOW?
At what rank will we be able to order arms day weapons? How will the factions ranking up system be changed due to us knowing how to rewards from factions? Will Eris morn have a new ranking? Will all the raids stay the same level
Why is the news page the last place you post news?
Will our old raid materials be relevant?
Has it ever crossed your mind that you've lost your mind and its cost your life, and maybe, just might, your life's stopped in time for everyone to look and stop and cry?
Will all the hadronic essence, spinmetal, and plasteel convert to the new armor upgrade materials automatically or will we have to trade them in? Will we be able to trade in the passage coins to something other than boons in TTK?
We need dedicated servers plz don't be cheap the peer to peer is killing the game
For TTK what other goodies are Year One players getting? Bungie has teased there would be more aside from the emblem and paying for the new emotes. Note that I don't consider the Suros pack as Year One goodies as anyone who preorders gets that.
6 man patrol
Will Titan retake the reins of "tank class" in TTK? Ever since the Ram was released, Warlocks are now the tank class.
Can you discuss the fate of hand cannons, black hammer, and Gjallarhorn?
What will happen to all the different currency we have amassed and other items like. Crux of crota Keys Embalming orbs
Please explain what twitch is and how to view it. You can't just assume all us older gamers know that kind of stuff.
what is hawkmoon's new magazine size?, what is fatebringers new magazine size with feild scout?, and will there be weopon skins?
Please explain the difference between exp rank to 40 and light ranks. Explain what Deej meant by light making you more powerful but won't be your level.
More activities for 6 man teams. Like maybe we can all go patrol together
Why should anyone bother with HoW weapons or any sort of end year DLC when they are almost immediately obsolete?
The new raid boss, the giant shank, will shank burn weapons do more damage?
Okay okay ! So the new map with Man Cannons, right. What happens if a Titan uses Fist of Havoc into one of them... Does he fly across the map in a rage of a thousand fists? Or does he simply fall through to his death??