I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
What was that "something better" promised to year one players? We were never told and there's already a massive thread on this. My other, more important question: How will Year One raids be relevant in The Taken King?
Why was the grimoire removed from our "nametags"? On the reveal trailer i noticed the grimoire score was replaced by the light level, where is the grimoire placed now?
Vault of Glass and Crota's End will still be 26-30 and 30-33?
Will I be able to wear Atheon's shiny armor? I want to shine bright.
When ttk comes out will old legendary weapons still be useful in regular pvp? Like how level advantages are disabled in crucible, so you can be great with any weapon you want ie 'comman'. So what I'm saying that is Every weapon still viable like in year one
Is there a barber shop coming to the tower?
Haven't seen anything about custom private matches in crucible yet, is it being implemented at any point?
Will u able to get new ghost skins or new sparrow questions without changing the actual stats
Is anything being done to fix the inventory load times ingame and out?
Also, will anything be done about the lag?
If I buy The Taken King on my Xbox 360, will I have to buy it again on the Xbox One or will it be free?
Will there be weapon reforging like from the house of wolves, or will that be gone?
What will old weapons (for exmaple VOG) use to level up? will it still be shards or are they all replaced by the new legendary marks? Lvling old gear is annoying now because so many sources of shards have been removed. Also, will the new legendary marks have a weekly cap?
Can we get a comment on the availability and overall visibility of the 50 pieces of the exotic? And will they be 50 unique pieces, or will guardians simply need to find 50?
How will trials work after the light and exp level system is updated?
Why is the taken king so expensive to buy in the uk?
Edited by Jorge: 8/19/2015 1:07:06 PM
Edited by Jorge: 8/19/2015 1:06:55 PMCan you make me a ninja I help everyone
can you get the 40$ digital ttk and 20$ digital collector stuff on the xbox 360 online store?
What will the weekly and total cap be on legendary marks and how will current marks be converted over?
Will there be weapon shaders?
Can you show us the ban hammer that you are creating for the cheaters?
Edited by CopyableOak: 8/19/2015 12:24:07 PMWill the Exo stranger play a part in TTK? Will we be introduced to any new characters during TTK? Will the current subclasses be getting tuned to make them more or less effective in a given situation e.g PvP Will our Guardians speak at all during TTK, and if they do will it be out of cutscenes?
Just one question: we'll have the great and new feature called matchmaking? Common Bungie, release it as optional like all game I know... I like and use LFG but... Really Bungie?
Cozmo. I know you won't let us down
Edited by CaptainJackSolo: 8/19/2015 1:01:30 PMSince many of us have fully leveled sub-classes, will there be an ability to still do the quests associated with these "old" sub-classes? Or do we have to start whole new characters? Will hard to obtain year 1 faction shaders be available to purchase from the revamped factions? Existing faction rep be kept or do we have to re-rank up? Will the ability to sell planetary materials (I.e. Spin metal, spirit bloom and etc) be available? What happens to the existing shaders & emblems? Do they just disappear from inventory on the 15th and then made available in these new kiosks? Will un-encrypted engrams gained during year 1, and saved in inventory/post master, de-crypt into year 2 items on September 15th?