I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
I would like further explanation on the first new ability to scan the environment. How much content is going to be connected to this feature?
Edited by Devasstator: 8/19/2015 12:24:43 PMWill quest lines that are old content by marked as completed by vet's? If not, are we going to be forced to repeat stuff like Patrol 101? Will ALL old content not being slightly modified be updated with new loot tables or even relevant anymore?
Whats the "and more" / "something better" Deej said year one players are getting?? Still never cleared that up after saying it nearly two months ago. Is the triumphs emblem? can you clarify this as not to be a whiner but I wouldnt class that as something better than the shader/emlem/sparrow we're getting.
Edited by ghostRNGR1: 8/19/2015 12:21:40 PMIf sunbreaker Titans keep lift, will catapult get a buff of some sorts?
Are we still able to ascend our old exotic gear so we don't have to grind it out again?
Can we get a look at the New emotes and shader in the $20 Exotic add on pack. Strange maybe... But I use emotes a lot and would like to see them before purchasing.
are there new npcs?
Bump for later
What happened to Wanda?
Will there be pve equivalents of iron banner in the future? Maybe a monthly event?
If light is not our level anymore, what part will it take in the taken king?
Will the taken be in game before the release like wolves were? And my personal:What can we do with etheric light after ttk?
How was the price for the Taken King in Australia arrived upon? It doesn't have any immediate or obvious relationship to the price in any other market. We are downloading the same file from the same store front, I cannot comprehend how it is more expensive for Bungie or Activision for us to download the file in a different location.
Why do I have to pay a price not in line with US pricing? I live in Ireland. Why is the international Destiny community being charged a massive amount more?
How will Xurs "Three of Coins" consumable work? Will it be something like the Iron Banner buff that lasts a certain amount of time or is it something we activate on a certain activity? Also, can you only buy one a time or can you buy multiple?
My question is simple: What about people who do not buy The Taken KIng? I know with previous DLC they had stuff to do like the WOlves Chests, but with things like Legacy Strikes containg TDB and HOW stirkes, story restructures and the recently revealed Exotic Collection thing... well it's a dark road.
Will there be private matches?
How many new guns are you adding. A whole lot?
Just one: Will we get custom matches? Bump this for custom matches
Will we ever see what is beyond the big door at the North tower? And does the Seven Seraphs Faction still exist?
Vault space,an in depth explenation pledge allegience to a factions, exotic bounties, and new tower space
What are some things we should do to prepare for ttk before release?
Is there a link to the stream?
What time will this stream go on
Are allegiances like the faction class items? (Gives exp to that faction.)
Are you doing anything to address the lag issues that are always apparent in crucible? (ie: wasn't there something done for trials to ensure matchups have better connections? will that be rolled out in crucible as well?)