I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
I want to know all about factions. All about them.
What's gonna be done about etheric light? The 57 sitting in vault want answers now!
Midnight release or manual launch?
Yes. I have a question: TTK seems to be the first true expansion/dlc. Will the others follow up or will we get again small bites overpriced bullshits? Rethorical.
I would like to understand how year 1 exotics will "ascend" to year 2 attack values. Also would like to understand exactly how we will upgrade our new legendary weapons/armor. Will Etheric light be needed?
With there be a sword heavy? What are artifacts? When does it start?
Will the old raids have any importance whatsoever?
Where do you get foundry weapons from?
Will there be Faction were you can get Faction items as rewards? ( rewards such as Faction themed ghost shells, ships and shaders dependent on the difficulty )
Will the vendors in the reef have any upgraded significance and will we see more diverse Queens Wrath content?
What are the other many rewards you're giving to year 1 players
What are the top 3 things you would recommend we do in preparation for TTK? Should we max out our marks? Should we get all factions to rep level 3? Should we stock materials? etc.
1. Will we get more practical shaders? Grey, Dark brown and tan? 2. Exotic Ghost shells? 3. Sword heavy weapons? 4. Is their Kings Fall raid armor? 5. How good will Kings fall weapons be? 6. If I was to have full light level armor and a Year One class item would I be less strong? 7. Can I get a pair of boots and some less plated hunter armor, like Cayde-6?
What is happening with Xbox 360 and PS3 downloads for ttk because we'd all like to know what's going on with last generation consoles?
Not a question just wanted to say i absolutely love the game and will keep on playing it, you are doing everything perfect!!! Played 450+ hours and not stopping yet :)
Is there anything that will be done to keep year one content relevant ?
Hello, Hopefully you see this and I'm not the only one wondering :will the new light system also change the way "level advantage" works for high end pvp like Trials or Iron Banner or will only high level light weapons be viable?
There was supposed to be an add-on package for $20 that gave us items only available to those that purchased the collectors edition, supposed to be available by drop date We have heard or seen nothing of it, was it just placate speak if not where is it?
Is there any word on keeping year one end game activities relevant. Or is only Kings Fall raid going to be the only relevant end game activity. By year 1 end game activities I mean -PoE -VoG -CE ToO
What's the special surprise for the year one players that you guys never answered for us?
Do you love me?
WHAT LEVEL WILL WE START AT !! A straight answer. If I'm am 34 now will I be 34 when ttk drops. Or will I be 20.
Dedicated servers?
I would like to know what is going to happen to my current marks, armor materials, etc (The items that are being consolidated).
I know this has been asked a thousand times on this thread, but i really want to make sure its addressed! Will the raid come out a week after as it did with the original game?
Biggest question I have so far is what's being done about vault space? Obviously we'll be dismantling many of our current weapons because they'll be left behind, but sooner rather than later we'll be right back in the same situation if not worse. Remember, those year 1 legendaries are still relevant in crucible and year 1 content.