I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Biggest question I have so far is what's being done about vault space? Obviously we'll be dismantling many of our current weapons because they'll be left behind, but sooner rather than later we'll be right back in the same situation if not worse. Remember, those year 1 legendaries are still relevant in crucible and year 1 content.
Will the original exotic bounties be changed at all/removed?
Why do you want us to hang on to our now worthless year one weapons?
Do I have to start at level 34? Could I equip older gear for my light level to drop to like 28 and then start from there? I like actually leveling up with experience and I don't want to do just 6 levels and it all be over so fast.
1. Can you give any hints to what the future may hold AFTER TTK? 2. What race do you like most after they've been takenized? 3. How strong is Oryx compared to other bosses? (Atheon, Crota, Skolas, etc) 4. Can you give any information on what role the Fallen will play in TTK? 5. Ghost Shells, how do we get new ones and is there a special way to upgrade them? What 'perks' will new Ghost Shells have? 6. What are Artifacts? 7. How will our Year One Exotics be affected in TTK? Will they have new purpose or just increased damage? Will we be seeing different variants for example, Thunderlord in Year Two can be a Solar Thunderlord instead of Arc? 8. New Faction Quests, what will they mean for already ranked players? Will there be new ranks to achieve or will they not affect Rank 3+ players? 9. Besides new Ghost Shells, what new variants of player customization will be added in TTK? 10. Will our ships have any new purpose in TTK? 11. Somewhat on the note of ships, any info on that space battle? 12. We still haven't seen all the new Exotic weapons and very little Exotic armor. Will you be able to show some more?
Any chance of a 3rd person camera option being selectable for combat zones in the future? Would be great to give us the choice.
Will there be new achievements/trophies in TTK?
Will the crucible still be so fun? ~H3RO DARKWOLF
Will ttk come with any sort of melee weapon like a sword or such?
How many of the new missions/ strikes are reused maps/ area and how many are new
will there be additional trophies in ttk?
Once we pledge ourselves to a faction, is it easy to un-pledge and can this me done as often as we like?
What are we doing with Etheric Light?
Will costs be better? I mean c'mon 70 -blam-ing! Aussie dollars? Give us a break $50 maybe? Maybe even 40 like USA?
What activities are still going to be relevant in TTK? While I like participating in PoE, ToO, VoG, CE, etc. are their any way these are still going to be relevant when TTK is released?
How do the Emotes work now? Can you use the emotes of other races and genders? How can you unlock new emotes?
If the character boost is used on a character that was already max light level will they gain a few levels from it?
When can we have custom matches?????
Edited by zI INFINITY Iz: 8/19/2015 11:59:59 AM1. More info on new level vs light level. It seems that your light level is your true level, as it's tied to how strong your guardian is. I would specifically like to understand what your normal level (max 40) offers in the game, besides maybe events unlocking at certain levels. Does level also influence how strong your guardian is, besides light level? 1b. Max light level? 1c. How quickly do you level up to 40? 1d. Usually a level 30 activity could be started with a level of 27 or higher. Will this be replace by the new light level, indicating if you have a chance or not? 2. Are there any major changes to the rarity system? Is it still the same idea of white, green, blue, purple = weakest to strongest? Or are you actually showing rarity? Meaning a white can be as strong as a purple, but the purple purely indicates that the item is rare? 3. How many ghosts/ghost skins? Are we talking about 5, 10, above 20? Are there also exotic ones? 4. On a scale of 1 to awesome, how awesome will this DLC be? 5. Any changes to required materials for upgrading weapons/armor? In House of Wolves, less materials were needed compared to before. 6. New perks: we saw all kinds of new perks. Care to talk about that? 6b. Especially the armor ones which are tied to elemental types of damage. 7. New achievements in TTK? How many, how much gamerscore in total? 7b. Can certain achievements be tied to in-game emblems or items? I'm very proud of my (solo) flawless raider. 8. More info on the $20 digital CE items pack? When can we buy it, show off the items it will contain? 8b. Show them $20 emotes. 8c. Will there be other (free) new emotes? 9. Can we protect our guardians? Like deleting guardians can only be done with a password? 10. Evidently, these things have been mentioned by others, but: Exotics / exotic blueprints Old exotics (ascending, how?) New old exotics? (Lol) Vault spaces / kiosks Ships Sparrows Factions (quests? buying shaders, ships at certain rank) [b]INFUSION CLASS SPECIFIC WEAPONS? How will the classes evolve, becoming more different from each other but still balanced?[/b] Future of side-arms Other new weapon types? Everything <3
Will factions have their own sparrows and ghost shells? Will RNG in faction packages be switched to benefit players?
Will there be more exotic scout rifles other than the 347 and the jade rabbit?
What's going to happen to Year 1 Legendaries? And if they aren't re-ascendable with TTK, can Bungie promise they will never be? Would hate to shard a bunch of them only to find out 2 DLCs later we'll be able to ascend again like the gap from Vanilla to HoW. Had a lot of sharded regrets.
Why does Bungie hate Xbox now?
Will there be vanguard, faction and crucible sidearms.
Are we going to get missions, bounties specific to PvP maps? and what time is the stream in UK anyone?
Will all vendor gear look the same with just different skins? Or will they all be different?