I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Will all vendor gear look the same with just different skins? Or will they all be different?
What are artifacts exactly and what do they do ? Toland is interested... How many quests are there in total for The Taken King ? What are nameplate collections ? What is Infusion ? How do collections work ? Are year one exotics allowed to be upgraded on par with the new exotics or will they be weaker ? What are ecotics blueprints exactly and how do they work ? Thank you Cozmo for asking the community what they want to know, it is very aprciated ! Keep the good work at Bungie, The Taken King is the type of thing I want Destiny to be like.
What will light do now?
How are you changing vault space or player inventories allowing us to keep our favorite weapons?
Edited by uraniumboss235: 8/19/2015 11:39:42 AMCustom games?
Will you be updating the stote in which you can buy ttk on its one so xbox 360 players can select xbox store
Are Bungie doing anything to anticipate the XBox One Pro Controller that is being released at the end of the year? I ask as I am a big fan of the MIDA Multi Took and it's hair trigger. But I wonder how that perk will work when anybody with a pro controller can set any gun to fire on a hair trigger. Or am I misunderstanding something fundamental about how the sensitive curves of the triggers are manage on game engine side of things.
will trials still be relevant in ttk?
Cosmo, will exotics be changing perks or will you just be updating the icons? Also how will you fix the Vault space problem?
Only one question. Why do you hate fusion rifles?
If I'm a level 34 now, what level will I be when TTK drops?
Do experience buffs (i.e. class items + focused light) stack? What happens to old faction items, do they just become normal ones? Will I keep earning a mote of light for every level up? What is the percentage increase for all the experience buffs, and how do they interact with the Nightfall bonus?
Will the new kiosk have the shaders, emblems, and weapons we once owned but dismantled due to vault space limitation, or is it only going to be items we currently have?
When does Beta end?
Vault space, collection vault??????? 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃
With the news that our year one weapons and armor will be pretty much irrelevant, will you be doing anything to keep the old raids relevant?
How will the new faction shaders work ? and faction packages and ranks you have obtained?
Edited by SethK840: 8/19/2015 1:31:39 PMWhat will happen to old materials? Shards, Energy, Coins, Motes, Cores Etheric Light...what purpose will these serve? Year 1 Faction shaders and ships...will they be gone forever? Is it worthwhile to leave faction rep so close to new level and get packages on day one of tTK? is rep even around anymore?
Edited by zapfeeno: 8/19/2015 2:51:43 AMOn a scale of 1 to OG loot cave, how awesome is Cayde-6 in TTK
Why did you have xur sell gjallahorn?
What time is the stream at in Ireland? , GMT +1 at the moment
Is Oryx's dad still alive?
Most important question Comzo. When will the kings fall raid release, on day 1 or later. I don't care about the rest.
Is the Speaker getting new class items?
Edited by Lord Ded: 8/19/2015 11:25:03 AMWill there be sparrow racing eventully in Destiny?
What is leaving with the launch of the Taken King? I remember wanting to complete my Iron Regalia sets and never being able to get the helmets. Aside from all vendor items, what else can I expect to never see again?