I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Edited by Timmehh: 8/19/2015 10:44:49 AMWhen will the King's Fall be available? Right on release :), or like year 1 after a week or so :(?
What modes will have matchmaking? This is make or break with me and whether I will buy the TTK. If it is the same as the current Destiny and there is no optional matchmaking added then I won't be buying it.
will Vault of glass or crotas end raids get harder difficulties and/or new weapon rewards so that they do not become obsolete?
Here are my questions for Bungie for TTK stream: 1. Vault space: What are you doing about vault space for weapons? A simple question but it's been on most players minds for a long while, and we would all love a definite confirmation of how you are going to address this issue.(Also thank you so much for the emblem/shader vaults! They were much needed) 2. Weapons and reforging: How are you going to deal with weapons and reforging them? With the reforge system in house of wolves, players were given the ability to reforge any gun into the best possible version of itself, leading to (amongst other things) the crucible being dominated by powerful long range shotguns. I believe also that this attribute of the game obliterated the unique aspect of both the iron banner event (reforging weapons), and also reduced the incentive for players to continue to play to try and get that brilliant roll on a weapon that they wanted (eg, randomly getting shot package, and luck in the chamber on a shotgun, or in getting take a knee, perfect balance and firefly on a sniper) To summarise, weapon reforging has nullified two aspects of the game which are among the most satisfying and rewarding elements of the game. While it has reduced the grind, it meant that their is less to play for. I would like to know if this reforging system is going to be continued into TTK or what changes you plan to make in regards to it. 3. Pre-TTK weapons: (i) will players ever be able to access gear from previous expansions/vanilla destiny or is this gear unobtainable for the rest of the game? (Eg. May we someday see that vanguard packages will have a chance to reward with old weapons, or faction packages that could give old faction weapons?) (ii) you keep hinting that we shouldn't dismantle any legendary weapons, does that mean we will be able to upgrade them for TTK content? If so, how do you plan to disincentivise people from continuously using fatebringer (Undeniably one of the best and most used PvE weapons in the game), or other guns from previous expansions? If you feel as though you can relate to any of these issues or share the same questions, bump this up so Bungie can read!
If an activity has a "recommended light level," will someone still be able to attempt the activity if they at least meet the base level requirement?
Does bungie read the feedback forum?????
Are the current raids and Prison of Elders having their difficulty increased to match the light levels of your guardian in year 2?
will ascendant and radiant materials be combined into one type of upgrade material similarly to how armor materials are being combined into one material?
Will there be dedicated servers? Can we have ammo synths added to the emote keys?
Hey Cozmo! I've got a few questions! 1- are we going to have more character customization now that we're able to take our helmets off in the gear selection screen? (change how they look, hairstyle, face paint, etc) 2- if we unlock a shader on one character, will they be available in the kiosk for all our characters or just the one? (I want my Revnant shader on everything!) 3- will The Taken King be released at midnight or mid morning, like House of Wolves was? Thanks for your time! Have a great stream today, make sure you put on plenty of "hater blocker" because I'm sure there will be plenty of hate flowing through the chat! :) CBAYtheKING (XB1)
So if we are now getting class items with abilities/stats what happens to our old ones? I shouldn't feel like i'm losing out if I still want to wear my Shattered Vault Cloak for example. Is there gonna be a way to give these old class items a boost? Also will Trials of Osiris gear still be usable or is literally everything from before Taken King useless now except exotics? Given how hard you have to work for Trials Gear you'd think they would be the exception to the whole no upgrades for older gear rule.
Edited by Mara Sov's Side Piece: 8/19/2015 10:26:38 AMAre there any talks of getting dedicated servers? If so what are the plans? If not, what are the current discussions for addressing lag?
What is the maximun light level? (we saw something like 234 in the teaser) What are exotic blueprints? What are artifacts? Why did a subclass look different, like with a symbol on it? What are all the new exotic weapons and armor? Will exotic weapons and armour be upgradeable?
starting lvl for 34 guardians on TTK. will it be 20 lvl or....
With the changes coming to the game soon, will the companion app also be updated? Also as for clans/groups will there be updates for this rewards/challenges? Aswell as a way to edit the group while In game?
Edited by NickInk311: 8/19/2015 10:44:14 AMHow will year 1 exotics transition into year 2?
How will the new exotic "blueprint" interface work? Can you explain it better?
Let I begin. When the Xbox players get hawkmoon etc do we have to grind for then or do we have to do something to get the blueprint. Second question. Will the faction rep be reset? Third question. Will there be foundry vendors? Fourth question. Is Xur still going to have a pupose when the taken king is released? Seeing there is the sleeper simulant that is scattered around a planet or ship? Fifth question. What will happen to our cruicible and vanguard marks? Is the cap being increased or are we still going the 200 Marks or are we going to 400? Fifth question. Will we have increased slots on the inventory menu? Sixth question. This has been on my mind for a few days. That lever Shotty we saw on the trailers and game informer videos? Will there be a Tec mechanica foundry? Seventh question. That shotgun that we saw in the game informer video yesterday. It was all bone and had crimson in it. Is this the kings fall shotgun? Eight question. Are we going to get the quest for the new subclasses right away? Last but not least. Will the light still have levels like it always does or will we have to equip a certain bits of armour and weapons. Bonus question. Will artifacts play a big role in the 2.0 of destiny? Bonus bonus question. What made you decide to change the way you level up? Like people like me are going to be stock piling bounties so we can level up quick? And i just want confirmation. Is the new level for the nightfall going to be 38 like the original one was 28?
Can we trade etheric light into other materials? And why can't the daily heroic strike rewards give out Radiant materials?
Vault space? How will it work and how much? Is TTK going to basically make VoG raid and Crota raid pointless to do for any rewards since TTK green weapons and rare weapons will out class our legendaries we have now? I would include PoE but it is already pointless. Will we ever see dedicated regional servers for Destiny?
Will Year One Exotics still be obtainable after TTK launches?
Are all year 1 exotics going to increase in power to year 2 status
Edited by Amzterasu: 8/19/2015 10:47:16 AMExplain the difference in pricing for the TTK in different coutries? Digital and hard copy!
Edited by SlippedBunion2: 8/19/2015 10:40:43 AMWhat kinda new secrets or ghost using while we be using in the dreadnought, like will we find some alter hive that must be scanned to fund clues, etc.
Will there be a Tiger Man class? :3
With the supposed level 25 requirement for TTK, will we feel overpowered being level 34? Should we try to get as close to 25 as possible?