I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
When will Kings Fall be available, on the day or a week later?
(1) Will we ever get to visit The City we are supposed to be protecting in Year 2 and interact with its residents? (2) Will any improvements be made to the common NPCs in the tower? I am not referring to those such as Zavala, Cayde-6, etc., but the ones who all appear to be in their 20's, attractive, and wander around with datapads and lattes. (For now, I am assuming that all of the interesting people are in that City we have yet to visit!)
How will we deal with out with the old in with the new?
Exotics... Now I happened to see a picture of an exotic weapon tree that we may be able to just allocate from. Once we upgrade the gun fully then dismantle it will we be able to reallocate the gun from the tree with the previous maxed out stats, or not maxed out if it was dismantled mid way? The old faction gear will become useless, yes? I happen to kind of really like the Sojorn Mask.
Edited by Sinbad: 8/19/2015 9:33:31 AMWith the item that lets one of your characters become the starting lvl required for the taken king. If you make a new character and use the item on it, do you still have to do the story missions for vanilla Destiny, and the two expansions before taken king? I don't care much for the Destiny and HoW but I hate doing the missions for the Dark Below. Also do the character get xp in any of the subclasses?
I got one question for you...Did you know that the bird is the word???
If I buy TTK on Xbone will I get it on my Xbox 360 or vice versa.
Will there be a season pass for year 2 DLC? (Similar to TDB and HoW)
What if I want everything I earn for Rep to go to a faction in lieu of Vanguard, will I need to buy a badge every week or do I buy one initially and when I change my mind just dismantle it?
What's going on with blink? It doesn't need nerfed. Shotguns are the problem, not blink. Nerfing blink because of shotguns is like nerfing slide because of shotguns. And can we get some assurance that fusion rifles will become relevant in the game again? Maybe add a shot package Perk for then since they spread wider than shotguns. Will all strike bosses be horribly designed health tanks like the current ones? Don't you dare make another Omnigul with incite Adds, a tight arena, and terrible lines of sight. Let's do some elaboration on pulse rifles WHICH ONES IN SPECIFIC WILL BE GETTING NERFED? Name a few!!! Why isn't thorn's fire rate being reduced? It shoots faster than almost any scout and will 3 shot headshot, or two head one body. Or even one head two body. This gun should have its stability lowered and fire rate lowered for sure. Is transmog here yet? I love the way my hunter looks and I'm not about to dismantle my hard earned OG iron banner helmet and my HoW iron banner set when I like the way they look and want them to be relevant still simply for fashions sake. Any new social spaces? That's just all the stuff from the top of my head. We need all of this stuff answered Cozmo. And tomorrow is the best time possible. Don't just ignore this thread.
What use will etheric light have after TTK drops? Will Variks sell better gear after TTK drops? Will PoE rewards be adjusted after TTK drops?
Do you think you should kill activision.
Where does the money I throw at the screen go.
How about the redbull missions. How are they gonna work?
Will more physical collectors editions be made for the unlucky people that were not fast enough?
Edited by SatelliteAA: 8/19/2015 9:17:44 AMWhat will happen to our year one gear we keep for aesthetic purposes? Do we leave them in the dust for year two?
Edited by Tertaileh: 8/19/2015 8:36:39 AMWhat about year 1 max grimoire emblem and shader, cozmo? U said u gonna talk to ur team, and return to us with an answer.
Dismantle mines,Yes?
Will gear still carry infusion once it is rerolled or dismantled? Is it bound to the character?
Can we have a CONFIRMED time of release please....
How does the weapon blueprint system work?
[b][i]Artifact[/i][/b]. What is it? What's it do? Does it have tiers, light, perks, ect? I just wanna know Cozmo. Please tell me.
Will we be able to buy gear from a different faction than what we have pledged our allegiance for that week?
Why is the UK price 25% higher than the US, rest of Europe etc?
Tell us more about what's going to happen with our old exotics?