I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Red or Yellow?
I have at least one level 34 suit of armour for each of my characters. I also have other suits which I have not ascended (for example I enjoy running as a full VoG lvl 30 Titan - because forever 29 was such a grind). DeeJ said: "The level youI have earnt will be the level you start TTK at" (or words to that effect) So if when TTK launches I happen to be wearing my legit lvl 30 gear, will I start TTK at level 30? If I go out and harvest a full Uncommon armour for each of my characters to wear when TTK launches, will I start with 3 level 20s? Short form of the question: [b]" Is level at the start of TTK decided by currently equipped gear [i]or[/i] by maximum level of owned gear?"[/b]
What time in the UK?
Does TTK legendary edition all come on a single disk? Or is only the base game on the disk and you have to download TTK and the expansions?
Will TTK transfer over from last gen to new gen consoles like HoW and TDB did or will we have to buy it again if we switch over
No idea there was a stream taking questions!, anyway only one i'd like to ask is about matchmaking?. I could give reasons why it'd work, more why it is needed but am sure that'd just cause unwanted replies, i just hope you will be expanding the current one, obviously as a Option, not forced, thanks.
What date will the raid drop? Very important to get vacation for the raid team planned.
When the taken king reset happens do we have to wear our armor that makes us 34 to be lvl 34 after the new system comes into affect or will it just go off our highest lvl obtained as shown on destiny tracker and bungie.net?
Why is destiny A Terrible Game ~ From Killafornia
Will we find a use for duplicate exotic weapon other than turning them into exotic shards?
What is infusion? Some way of applying shaders to weapons? A way of upgrading old year 1 legendaries? Tell me Cozmo!
Hope you read this: What can we expect to see done with old activities? Raids, Trials, and PoE? Will they become for lower levels? Or will they be upgraded?
When will patch 2.0 drop? Also what will happen to Gaurdians who don't purchase TTK? (I am getting it don't worry lol bought the ps4 one am the CE) I ask about the second one bc my GameStop isn't doing a midnight release :(
What time will TTK go live? Territories like Australia, New Zealand and others have the same release date of Sep 15th. However they are 12+ Hours ahead of Bungie (Seattle?)
You mentioned taken enemies are going to be appearing in previous missions, or strikes. Will someone creating a new character be expecting to see Taken enemies on their first run through of these strikes?
Will we find a use for duplicate weapons other than turning them into exotic shards?
Edited by HeartStrong07: 8/19/2015 8:51:30 AM1. Do you view PoE as a success with players? It seemed that its replay, rewards and enjoyment paled in comparison to ToO?
Why does it cost more in England. Why does some class items an emotes cost £20. Why don't peole who played the destiny beta get anything. What is that something better that year 1 players get. I know none of these will get answers but that just show how stubborn and ungrateful you are for the people who have been with you all the way and who have had alot of disappointments with this game.
Birdman wishes to know if there will be new difficult options for Year One raids? ( * v * )
Will my dismantled emblems be available again at the new kiosk? I unlocked some I no longer have do to Vault space.
Will exotics be able to be upgraded?
Will the raid be playable after the story finished or will we have to wait some days?
I have some armour i want my titan to keep, will i still be able to use it?
What does getting your base level higher do and how high will our light level go.
"Day 1 players get something better", DeeJ. Remember? Still waiting for an anwser. Why it's still 40 dollars? Why we have to rebuy? How big dreadnaught? UK pricing? An much more questions you guys gonna avoid. Right?
We know via leaks that the Crucible, and even Cryptarch have questlines, but what about Dead Orbit, FWC, and New Monarchy, would they have questlines?