I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Is anything being done that will allow people with blacksmith shaders tied to lastgen consoles use them freely on current gen?
What was the pic of different last word and hawkmoon in the blueprint page
How bad is Stormcaller nerfed after e3?
Edited by LunarWingLuna: 8/19/2015 5:45:18 AMAre we ever going to see First Light, Bastion and Skywatch come back as standard Crucible maps? Personally, during the Vanilla days, First Light was one of my absolute favorite maps, and Bastion was truly an incredibly Control map. Skywatch, though not as amazing as its large map predecessors on Mars and the Moon, was also an awesome map. I really enjoyed playing on all three of these maps, and I was majorly disappointed to see them be removed from standard matches and dedicated solely to a playlist that I have little interest in. Before anybody says that I can just play Combined Arms, it's a part of a rotation meaning that I can't play it consistently, and more importantly, it's being removed from the current relocation until further notice once TTK drops. Moreover, even if I did play Combined Arms already, I'd imagine the same 3 maps get incredibly stale after awhile considering that even the normal playlists get stale sometimes and they have more than 3 maps. I'd just love to see these maps come back, and I never really understood why they were removed in the first place.
will randal still be the ass kicking , shank loving , chuck norris of destiny ? ( im out if nerf him #) seriously looking foward to getting a few questions cleared up.keep up the good work cozmo
Will the tower be expanded in any way? Regardless, will the Foundries have their own Vendors?
Can we get some information on what artifacts are and what they do for our guardian? Also will any of the previous dlc class items have effects in the year two update? I currently have class items on all 3 of my characters and it would be nice to know if the stuff I have equipped will be updated with random perks.
Cozmo please ask this. Will my marks transfer into Legendary marks and what is the new limit on the legendary marks.
Will trials have year 2 gear?
Almoooooost forgot. What's happening to etheric light?
Will we be able to start from level 1 without nuking our character AND stats?
Vault space?!?
During Destiny's original release, all players who bought the digital version of Destiny for Xbox 360 were eligable to download a free digital copy of Destiny on the Xbox One incase they were expecting to recieve a new console that holiday season. Can players purchase the digital copy of The Taken King for the Xbox 360 and be able to download the digital copy of The Taken King on Xbox One for no additional charge? I am not sure if Sony offered a similar deal to Playstation 3 and 4 owners but my question would extend to those consoles too if they had.
I live in Florida what time will the stream be
Will we keep our marks. I have 200 of each on each character will I keep them all when they merge? So 400 legendary marks on each character ?
Will we be throwing money at our screens?
What level will new legendary items be at? If I am assuming correctly, everyone starts again at level 20, ( or was it the level of your character before TTK?) so when will we be able to use the new TTK weapons and armor?
What is the max light level a guardian can reach?
Within crucible are the new guns better than my old gear
when will destiny get real servers?
Will all the exotics from year one be available on xbox, and how long does the exclusive deal last? Also, exotics will still be able to level up through exotic shards to the new max right? Or will our old exotics be reduced to ash?
Will there be Private Crucible game with The Taken King ?
When will Tess everes return?
Are we able to reforge our current HoW legendaries once TTK drops?
Year 1 exotics bounty : will the bounty drops again? Can't get the one with pocket infinity to drop so…