I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Is Xylar the new vex raid boss??!
How will the foundries play into the taken king? It will it be based through the gunsmith?
Will we need The Strangers Rifle to get No time to Explain?
Edited by SmilyYellowFace: 8/19/2015 2:54:21 AMWill the upgrade system make you re-grind for exotics? Just curious, because since our weapons and armor are no longer useful, I'm wondering if there was any benefit at all for playing in the first year. Also, why is TTK overpriced for everyone not living in America? Almost every other company manages to get the international pricing right, so what's the situation here?
do you like how my hunter looks? :/
Can you just mention how TTK isn't part of the free digital upgrade from last gen consoles? From what I've seen, a lot of people don't know this and will likely be saddened or maddened or pissedened or some other made-up word when they find out after buying. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/help/article/12122]This is what I'm referring to[/url]. I haven't been keeping up with Destiny stuff lately. Real life and such. So maybe it was already stated clearly. If so, ignore and continue on your march toward becoming legend, you glorious cosmologist. Or fairy god parent. Not sure yet.
I understand reasons why the Crucible experience is greater with small to mid-sized maps, even though this leads to less opportunity to place vehicles into PvP. Maybe one day. My question is- Are there at least more vehicles to explore within the PvE experience, like the Heavy Pike introduced in the House of Wolves?
Does grimoire score affect the player beyond its role in story telling?
I have 200 Vanguard marks and 200 crucible marks on all three of my characters. When the Taken King releases, how will Legendary Marks consolidate those two? Will I get 400? Or will I only get a fraction of them like 200?
Why is grimoire no longer visible on the player card? This is important to players such as myself.
What are the other V.I.P. rewards going to be?
PLEASE don't tell us you need to dismantle a copy exotic to upgrade an old one. The amount of doubles i have deleted is....well i have 60 exotic shards, lets just leave it at that.
What will be done with exotic shards/etheric light??
not really a question, but let us take like 2 or 3 legendaries with us to year 2. have it be a perk of being a year 1 player!
I'm always low on vault space. What new improvements will you be implementing to help solve this?
Will the game live up to its an I quote "rich cinematic storytelling set in huge worlds to explore" description on the back of Destiny cases in year 2?
Will there be private matches? And will we ever get an exotic sparrow or ship?
Do you know where I went?
Its Destiny TTK more hard to do than the original Destiny?
Edited by BrenoB_: 8/19/2015 2:25:48 AMWill year one legendaries going to be obsolete or you can take some of them to upgrade the damage?
Will rerolling apply to the new TTK weapons?
Do the people with a max grimoire score in year one get a bonus 'reward' even if it's just a shader or emblem?
Will it be WORTH it?
Edited by britishninja99: 8/19/2015 2:50:52 AMCould we have some news on more exotics? Details on armor pieces would be nice.
What am I going to turn in my 150 etheric light for?
What changes will be coming to brother Vance and variks? Weapin types and attack strength for what they sell as well