I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Can nolanbot scan environments of pre TTK areas?
Really Cozmo? No disrespect but I'm sure you know the questions the community wants answers to by scrolling through the Forum. Cmon Man does us a solid an actually address something relevant. Hype TTK all you want. We Guardians would appreciate some concrete answers.
Are exotic blueprints for every exotic i have ever had (even the ones i deleted before the dlc), or are they just the exotics that i have when TTK launches.
Do I need to buy the expansion for both my Xbox one and Xbox 360 or do they transfer ???
What about vault space. You forgot to mention that in the last stream.
For what, none of the good questions get answered.
I'd really like to know what's happening with the Stranger's Rifle in The Taken King. Is it going to be an evolving gun like Necrochasm, because there was clearly a legendary version of it in the vault during last week's reveal. Much guardian love, Dev Himself
What yr 1 exotics are making the cut into yr 2?
I would, but I think it would get glazed over as you read the script.
When are we getting increased vault space? ;)
Not sure if this has been asked (and tldr the thread).. Will the TTK add any trophies/achievements? ? It would be nice to get some more given that there was a missed opportunity to add more in with the last 3 dlc packs..
Do I have to do crucible to get legendary marks or can I do anything and get them
Has the loot system been revamped?
What kind of rewards will the Dreadnaught hold for me?
Will strike bosses be more than just a re-skinned and enlarged version of existing enemies?
Are you guys working on custom crucible matches? It's all I want honestly
Will all Strikes be ever changing with the inclusion of the Taken being introduced? And will the Taken be in the Strikes even before we do the first mission they are supposed to even appear in (for newer players who don't use the level boost)?
Can we have a "Vote to Kick" option in anything pertaining to matchmaking? To avoid these afk leachers.
Hi Cozmo, today, 2 hours by now, I'm going to open over 30 packages of Dead Orbit trying to find the Revenant, I'm at 190 with Dead Orbit, do u think that I will find it? I will stream the entire opening on my twitch channel, don't forget to follow me :D http://www.twitch.tv/torronezzz/profile
yo cozmo I gotta question for ya, where are those private matches at?
What hunter exotics will be carried over?
Edited by PrimalGeth: 8/24/2015 4:31:23 AMIn regards to Spark of light, will you get one every time you start a new character or just once?
What do artifacts do to help us?
Will the factions release more shaders? Or are they only releasing ships? Will there be pvp matches where it is faction against faction?
You didn't ask any of the questions that were asked here
Bump for an etheric light explanation on it's future existence...