I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Will there be any ghost buffs for the Frontier Shell from year 1's DGE version???
Why are all the reveals during the hours most people work
cosmo i just want to know if the new weapons are not going to be crap like the poe weapons?
Are there going to be private games of crucible? Like Rumble or Clash?
Motherfckrs, we're here.. It's time motherfckrs... Motherfckrs, in the short time we've played this game we have each handed Bungie enough money to feed 500,000 starving South Africans... These are men, women, and children dying that we could have saved by shifting this currency over to them... Motherfckrs, instead we have used that money on games, and dlc's to grind for weapons, and armor in year 1 that are now water guns, and bathing suits.... Motherfckrs, as we stand on this ship we have nothing from year one equipped...... It's like we went to Vegas, gambled away the house, and the casino felt bad so they gave us a complimentary casino Tshirt..... One size to small motherfckrs.......... Owned... Ice cold... Motherfckrs, Gjallarhorn... As you all know, none of us here have one equipped.... Except Mike... He is having separation anxiety.. It's gonna be ok Mike............... Man the fckk up motherfckr...... It's over, the weapons dead........ Let it go.. Motherfckrs, as you all know, Bungie trolled thousands just weeks ago by selling the most sought after weapon in the game, the Gjallarhorn.... Thousands didn't have it yet...... Mike, I'm looking at you btch........ Bungie executed the most epic troll in the history of trolls.. Not only announcing a nerf of the weapon, not only having Xur sell that weapon, but announcing that the weapon will not be taken into year 2.... Cold as ice......... Cold... As... Ice... Motherfckrs.... Bungie trolled hundreds of thousands of players by selling them..... yes..... you guessed it motherfckrs...... Xur sold them all a giant exotic trumpet...... Owned motherfckrs.. Owned...... Ice.... Ice cream owned... Motherfckrs, we stand here today about to enter this damn ship that will no doubt be a cake walk in the coming weeks when a nerd posts the Oryx glitch on Youtube that makes his leg fall off if you disconnect your router........ Motherfckrs, but today we struggle, and enter this dark alien butthole to kill this mothrfckr with our $300 worth of gear, weapons, shaders, and emotes... Some of us here will be carried.. Mike, I'm looking at you............ Most of us will probably rage quit... But some of us will taste victory.. Motherfckrs, last time we did this Bungie blessed us with Necrochasm...... Motherfckrs, I shot that thing once, and couldn't even take the damn thing into year 2.... Owned again... Owned..... Ice.... Motherfckrs, we can't be certain what we are gonna see in there today.. Theres only one thing that's guaranteed... None of the sht we get here today will be taken into year 3... Now let's kill some sht motherfckrs...
Will new quests be added daily or weekly?
Will the play station exclusive weapons be able to go into year 2 or will it be another epic troll bungie has for us Xbox users? They release these exclusives and they are instantly irrelevant... Lol well played bungie well played. Just like the epic GHorn troll...
If I have etheric light should I get rid of them and use them already?
Will you be able to up the look sensitivity! It feels so slow!!
Will year one exotics still be attainable after taken king? For example Monte Carlo? And legendaries such as Fate bringer?
Is there any point to doing VoG, Crota, PoE, or trials after the new update since none of the current non-exotic weapons/rewards will move forward? Seems that if none of the rewards mean anything in year 2, then a huge amount of content is nullified (basically all of year one) and we basically now only have the content inTTK that is relevant or useful. That seems like a huge loss- basically shrinking the game rather than expanding it So will the previous raids and activities have updated year two loot tables or will they be ghorn'd as well?
Hi Cozmo, I want to know what will happen when my Postmaster is full and Vanguard Crucible Mark is max out. Will I still get the new packages for the Marks conversion? Thanks
I have a question about the live stream why nerf weapons were leaving behind?
Will etheric light still be a feature for upgrading year one gear and weapons to the maximum year one stats?
Edited by Ingwe-Queen: 8/21/2015 4:27:08 PMIs having more than one exotic equipped at once a possibility max 2?
So in the Weekly Update 8/20/15, it says: "How can I earn Legendary Marks? -By completing Daily Story Chapters, Weekly Heroic Strikes, and Daily PVP Activities -By dismantling Year Two Legendary items – assuming you don’t have the maximum value of 200 Legendary Marks associated with your player account" I see they didn't mention strike playlists. Does that mean it will no longer provide a way to get marks?
Will elemental primaries only drop from the raid?
If I received, and then deleted a shader prior to the release of TTK, will that shade be available for pickup from the kiosk?
With the exotic blueprints, will you start out with any exotic you've ever had even if you've dismantled it? Or will you start the taken king with exotic blueprints for what exotics you have in your inventory when the dlc drops
Will there be more activities in TTK that will have matchmaking? I've been rather disappointed that I have to go on forums to look for people to raid with, go through the PoE with, or do the Trials with. Matchmaking is so much simpler.
What happens to etheric light? Why did you guys decide to drop year 1 items? Is it because of vault space?
My question is why cant we have a quest to upgrade our old legendaries. I have all vog, crota and iron banner weapons. I just dont want to dismantle them. You know how much grinding it took to get the pretorial foil??? I been grinding the pilgrim for a month 3 characters every day and no drop... so i had to settle for the spare change... im no deleating that spare change!!! I mess up when i deleared my 3 little words and x123 what ever the name of the scout rifle was... i still regret it
Private matches.....please say they are coming
Will there be private matches
Will we still be able to obtain year one exotics, I will still want to finish my collection and use them in PvP.