I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
If u dismantled some exotic that u don't have now will it be in those box things where it shows all your exotics
In regards to the blueprint system what will happen with exotics that were acquired thru bounties eg. Thorn, bad juju etc. Will we be able to make as many of those as we want to? And also the likes of those exotics that require an upgrade path first such as necrochasm, will we have to have eidelon ally to create more necros? Or once we have one of these exotics we can make as many as we please making the bounties redundant?
why did u not just bring every exotic back the same
Ah the thread with no answers. Tear it down. Tear it all down!!
When u guys complain about not upgrading exotics it didn't show every exotic because he doesn't have every exotic
Is there ever going to be battles on every planet where we are facing mass attacks with a fire team for higher levels. In which if you win them opens up Newer maps on these planets to ..which in time more and more of these massive attacks by our fireteams we will get back eventually whole planets. That would be cool to eventually take these planets back especially earth. And will we be ever be able to get inside the traveler and find out if it is really the cause of the darkness and the collapse the Golden Age. If it so that would be awesome and slowly try to fight that off.
Will we still be able to get NECROCHASM after TAKEN KING? I still don't have one because of RNG plus i try 3 times a week to get it.
Why did some of the exotics get redesigned for year two (such as Light Beyond Nemisis) but others did not?
Will there be new shaders and ships to earn from factions in year 2? Or will the old ones still be there?
Will postmaster reward packages carry over into TTK; I have several cryptarch and faction packages there now. And if those packages are opened after Sept 15 will they contain year one or year two rewards?
Will the year one exotic bounties be available in TTK?
Will old exotics be upgradable?
Vault Space?
I see that your bringing some of the exotics back in the DLC but what about the legendaries that we worked so hard to get will there be legendary weapon blueprints because that would be nice I would love to get my felwinters back that I accidentally dismantled
Will old faction ships be available in TTK?
Why sell Gjallarhorn and any other exotics that are not coming over to year 2. Just phase them out so we don't waste our time on them so in a month they can be obsolete. I mean you guys made the weapons and then after everyone realized how good they really were they used them and abused them. Its like you expected gamers to not be gamers and find easier ways of playing levels and bosses. And you guys focus way too much on Multiplayer (crucible) I understand you want to have a great system set up but you killed it. I mean you bring in Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner but its really the same as normal multiplayer but your level means something. In a playlist like that your weapons should be set in a list so its really more about the better team not better weapons. Especially Trials its all about teams working together to win so make everyone have set weapons and see how people do. Sorry about the rant but I wanted my two cents out in the open if you think differently comment below.
So will the terminals have the blueprints for all of the ships,shaders,emblems, and exotics that we have ever had or just the ones we have in stock now?
OK so my hunter got deleted and it was my character that had the moments completed but now I have to do certain parts again is this something you can help me with or no
Are you actually going to answer any questions yourself?
Edited by Shadowacepr: 8/21/2015 11:06:17 AMMain question from me is...is there a point to grinding and getting gear only to see it become obsolete and useless by the next DLC? Is this the way the game will be the next few years?
Will there be a Kiosk for Raid Weapons?
cozmo is it possible to buy the engrams on your desk at the bungie store
Tell us about the new heavy weapon types
It seems that the truly exclusive stuff is in the high level content, and xur selling exotics makes them lose their exclusivity. Any plans to address?
will their be a max light?
Edited by goverboe: 8/21/2015 11:10:33 AMHey everyone I would really appreciate it if somebody could answer a couple questions for me... First off I know xûr will be selling the three of coins buff but will he still be selling engrams and is it worth it to save up motes of light? Next is there any weapons, armors, or goals I should try to achieve before TTK? Also will all exotic armors be redesigned and have the option to be used with relevance in year two? And does anybody have a list of the exotic weapons that are getting carried over? Finally has anybody heard more about the exotic class items and how you get them? Thanks!