I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Edited by goverboe: 8/21/2015 11:10:33 AMHey everyone I would really appreciate it if somebody could answer a couple questions for me... First off I know xûr will be selling the three of coins buff but will he still be selling engrams and is it worth it to save up motes of light? Next is there any weapons, armors, or goals I should try to achieve before TTK? Also will all exotic armors be redesigned and have the option to be used with relevance in year two? And does anybody have a list of the exotic weapons that are getting carried over? Finally has anybody heard more about the exotic class items and how you get them? Thanks!
Can you upgrade year one exotic DPs so there still use able in ttk
So from the stream, I take it that the chances of rolling an exotic in a raid or what not will increase in the TTK?
Since emotes are now equippable will we be getting others as drops?
Will there be new faction shaders?
Fish fish and fish
How far back will the game remember what exotics you have had and dismantled? For example I dismantled my Thorn back when it was terrible (3-4 months ago), will the game remember I had it and allow me to buy the new version (if there is a new version)?
Is the raid dropping on the 15th?
what time will the TTK be live on the 15th of September? Check out the count down time on there website (my have to scroll down) UK Site link https://www.destinythegame.com/uk/en/home US link https://www.destinythegame.com/home The UK link shows it ends at reset time in the UK (10am GMT) so am guessing the game will be live at this time. the PSN Uk store says midnight UK time but this might be when you buy the game. if going by Bungie website 10am GMT and if they the game is not up and running it is then false advertisement and they can be hit with a fine in the UK that is atlest. I seen you Deej said a statement saying "15th off, and at High Noon you and two friends can play" i am taking this as nigh noon from his time zone would be 7pm GMT (UK) zone. but he where speaking to the world the other nigh so could be any high-noon and the centre of the time zones is the UK (GMT) (no mater what the US ties and tells you about time zones) then website is still wrong and again false advertisement.
So what about private match making?
Can last generation consoles hold the The Taken King? Is there anything we'll be missing?
I'm not bagging on you guys or the game but i would like to know why the huge difference between year 1 and year 2 on leveling and gaining everything?
What happened to grimore?
Hi Cozmo, If you have 200 Vanguard Marks and 200 Crucible Marks, what will happen to the balance when they get converted to Legendary Marks? As the maximum is also set to 200. Thanks.
Also Blink should NOT be nerfed at all. Theres no issues with it and can be countered very easily. Ive been killed countless times in the middle of a Blink. Sometimes Blink works against you sometimes because you cant control the height u jump. With these tightly close quarter maps makes it really hard to use
What is the next step for Trials of Osiris? Is this game type going to be relevant in the Taken King?
If you have weapons, armor, shaders, etc stored in your post-master under Lost Items, will those items carry over to TTK or will they be deleted? Thank you
Edited by ZippedDoughnut5: 8/21/2015 10:35:03 AMHow much xp is required per level?
So I dismantled my Nlb in HOW, will it be a blueprint I can buy?
Does anyone know when we can preorder ttk for Xbox 360
Will any of the raids be changed for year 2? Like drops for weapons and armour?
If you collect a year 2 version of a gun (say from Nightfall) will you unlock the Year 2 and Year 1 blueprints or just Year 2?
Cheaters caught cheating should have a sign hung from there neck saying Im bad at Destiny I had to Cheat to Win. A separate pvp lobby should be made for all the cheaters. Or instead of banning them there shields should be taken off for pvp, see if they still play.
shame you dont fix the cheating issues and others instead of promoting TTK and milking people like cows.. personally i am pleased i put destiny back in the box, am looking forward more to throwing my money at star wars, to whom have bothered to invest in servers and all. i hope all these sheep wake up and realise how they are being screwed by destiny who are more interested in their quartely figures than actual game playing with perfection.
Hi I was wondering if you can get refunded your money If you preordered ttk??
After seeing the new missions and bounties in the Tower, will these also apply to the npcs in the Reef? Can we do missions for them as well?