I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
And will the fate of all fools as the glimpse we say if a legendary "the strangers rifle" be upgraded versions of TSR?
Why did Tyson Green make Postmaster eat Revenant shader from Dead Orbit packages?
I was wondering if anything will happen to the jackolytes after Ttk
I have 2 questions: Will you still be able to get exotics from year 1 from drops and stuff in year 2? And Is it still worth using etheric light to upgrade items if they are (from my understanding) all going to be standardized to the same damage at the start of year 2?
Hullo guys at Bungie, I was wondering what the conversion rate from Vanguard and crucible marks to legendary marks is. Do you get one legendary Mark for every two vanguard or crucible marks? I know they said in the stream that they'll come in packages from the Tower messenger, but how many will you get?
Will there be a way to upgrade exotic or legendary armor and weapons to be about as good in TTK as they were in the original game and FIRST 2 DLC's of the game?
Is there going to be a chance for vanilla strikes playlist to drop legendary engram in end game rewards?
are the fallen going to make a return in The Taken King?
Will patch 2.0 hit before the next iron banner?
What are your plans concerning players whom bought the Digital Collectors Edition who already own Destiny and the two expansions?
Are you buffing/ nerfing guns( Exotics) that are being left behind it is just retarded. If gally and thorn aren't going to be moved to year 2 then -blam!-ing leave them how they are so they can at least be op for the old shit. This is probably the only thing that actually pissed me off so far about this game , my favorite weapon since I first saw it was thorn and one of my first exotics I used it in crucible and did decently before the buff and after buff I wreck everyone, until going to tlw and others but I eventually returned back to it cause I love thorn , and playing Destiny with out a level cap thorn might actually keep me away from ttk , I will continue to watch for news on ttk to see if they can pull me back cause right now I am on the fence but leaning towards , blackops 3 and star wars battlefront
Why is the legendary marks cap at 200 if it takes 150 for most upgrades/ purchases? Shouldn't it be higher? All that grinding is boring.
What happens to the massive amount of legendary weapons and armor I have? What's to stop from me sharding? Will they give legendary marks? Will they give year 1 mats? Other than my useful armor I have that I will keep. Should I just shard the legendary stuff I have and keep what will help me?
Edited by RaspyNebula64: 8/21/2015 4:30:34 AMIsn't leaving behind exotics a very very bad idea?? At least make armor have enough light that using them won't bring us down! Bump if you want this
[quote]I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.[/quote] I keep hearing that you can pay $40 for the dlc and as a year one player pay $20 more to get the rest of the stuff but all I find on preorder is $40 and $80 preorders but no option for the $20 vip stuff .... any word?
alright so a personal question: will lord of wolves and ruin wings carry over to year 2? those are my favorite weapon and armor piece respectively. will I be able to get solar armor boost on gear other than new monarchy? will we be able to see the stats of the weapons we order from the gunsmith before we order them? I didn't see any of the gun stats in the stream when he looked at the gunsmith orders. those are all my questions for now.
I think reforging for class items would be an excellent addition to the game. A lot of us (assuming here) have saved our marks, cloaks, and bonds, to further express our identities. If possible, id like there to be an option to trade in these items to receive updated versions of this equipment, with randomized perks. At the very least, it would be a small way to thank your Year One players for their hard work and contribution to the world of Destiny. How does everyone feel about this?
What about our Exotic armour? Will my favourite Warlock chest items be "left behind" in the depths of year one?
Edited by REJECTEDxORANGE: 8/21/2015 4:06:06 AMttk 20$ collectors edition upgrade still happening
Is reforging still a thing?
Not sure if it's been asked, but what's happening with Etheric Light after the expansion drops?
Will dark below faction ships go away after the new ones come out
[quote]I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.[/quote] Something just occurred to me for the year one vips I completed it with my hunter. ...but would I still get the stuff for my titan and warlock?
When is the stream?