I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
What about the sword heavy weapon? what will they do and what will the attack be like?
How many more new exotic bounties will be included ?
Edited by NomadMojo: 8/21/2015 2:03:27 AMWill etheric light be obsolete in taken king?
Just a little upset I'll have to 're level my exotics if there is a year 2 version just give it to me I've already leveled it twice and then ascended it
Any new Void exotics Truth is the only one with Void.
Can you guys make it where the exotic bounty weapons will have less of a chance of appearing if you already have it? I can never get SGA or PI.
I'm curious if the exotics I have obtained (I have the grimoire card for it) but dismantled because I never found a use for them with my personal play style, will be available via the blueprint kiosk or if I need to Re obtain them prior to the launch of TTK?
Is it even worth using my etheric light? Is it going to be used to upgrade year 2 weapons/armour? Sharded for rep? Thank you please.
We already have way to much stuff to do in 7 days, along with school/work and family. Now there adding new quests, new strikes, new currency, a new raid,and new faction stuff, now we have some more weekly bounties, testing weapons for the gun smith, getting ghost shells, and whatever else is new, oh and don't forget, we still have the nightfall and the weekly.Oh and don't forget to max out those 3 new subclasses.Along with collecting new exotics and upgrading old ones. Times 3 for each character. Unless you have really good time management skills your not gonna finish all this shit. Destiny you have taken my life away. You are creating no lifes. Kids will ditch there homework. I'm sorry to say but I've done that. Please Bungie stop what you are doing.
Vault space kinda got annoying bungie also organizations our vault yes or no... could we make a new four characters nope Just three, ok. Is there way to kill or replace ikora ray is a weak warlock and eva levante change her to someone else nothing sexist or racists. Are there going be new way to do mission, like escort a character,or pick up supplies, assassin, because survive every time is boring Last question can we be call something else rather guardians to me sounds lame
Edited by VapeChief: 8/21/2015 1:53:59 AMWith the announced changes to weapons and gear, what is going to happen to weapons and gear drops from vault of glass, crotas end and prison of elders? Wont the current drops be irrelevant as soon as you get them? Will there be any reason to complete these raids and arenas in year 2? Edit: sorry if this has already been asked, hadnt seen it brought up yet
Will raids have matchmaking so more people will experience it?
Can you talk about people that have maxed out grimoire? See if there's going to be anything for us?
I have a question. Say I want an exotic that was from year one like the bones of eao, exotic hunter boots for example, because I'm stupid and didn't log on to get them from xur. Will xur still be able to sell then or will that exotic and others like it that may not have a year two upgrade still be obtainable?
I'm on Xbox. Will I only be able to get the year two version of hawkmoon or is there a way to get the year one version also?
About Exotic Blueprints. Do they only apply to normal exotics? Can people "cheese" special exotics? Weapons from Vanguard Missives or Prison Ciphers, I could get one and then have three without doing any more bounties or arenas than I have to? A three for one Thorn deal? Mythoclast? Three Necrochasms from a single Crux? Clarification please.
Will destiny ever get 6v6 objective based game modes?
Can we have a comprehensive list of which exotics are being updated? I want to know if my Hard Light, Midas Multi-Tool, Necrochasm, and various others will gain the new attack values.
Will there be any exotic swords or raid ones. If so how will we get them
Edited by Stormtroopaahh: 8/21/2015 1:29:07 AMWill I actually be able to wear oryx's ass a hat?
Why the hell are exotic weapon abilities automatic? People who just get gally or thorn will just wreck everyone
Can we lay the poor unknown Titan who's been laying dead on the moon since launch to his rightfully earned rest?!?!
Will the last word be left behind? If so that is the best thing you guys have done
Are the servers gonna be better?
Etheric light what happens to that??
If I have deleted a shader will it still be available at the kiosk.