I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Edited by Craig_D97: 8/20/2015 7:59:22 PM
Arc razor #lemmeseedat
Will both current Raids be leveled up, or will they be pointless? Personally I hope they're brought up because VoG and Crota are really fun and are basically major "plot" points in a very unclear plot
Do we have to pay to watch it???
Overtime, Would all exotics be available for there year two version
Vault space?
Edited by Halo: 8/20/2015 3:22:13 PMI don't mean to be "That guy" but if you missed the stream (for anyone clicking on this), then this video summarizes everything important included in the stream (because this is a stream related post). If this becomes a problem, I will remove it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShtzVQQgHSY
What levels are the normal and hard versions of the new raid starting at? Will it be available on launch day? Are the old raids getting a level bump to make them challenging and relevant again?
Hey, Cozmo. My question is concerning Year 1 legendary weapons and armor. From the first Twitch stream I gathered that current legendaries are going to be rendered obsolete completely and will have no role in The Taken King beyond being used to factor Year 2 starting levels for returning players, and to then be used as dismantle fodder. I would be interested in knowing if this is the case, or if there will be a way to ascend them or otherwise retain their value. I am also very attached to my Ghost Angel cloak, and I feel that the new stat system for vanity items will coerce me to use only Year 2 cloaks/marks/bonds. Can you clarify this topic for me, please? Thanks. <3 Alien
Release time for TTK? Midnight? Reset? 11am again?
Match making please
Will there be any more planets to explore or are the dreadnought and some crucible maps going to be the only new destinations?
For the thing you use to fast level a character to 25 if we have a new low level character does the xp also level up whichever subclass you're using?
Should I use up all my Etheric light before The Taken King if it's not going to be used to ascend new weapons?
They were asking about the Crucible color scheme, is it based off this? http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130513140152/monsterhunterespanol/es/images/9/9f/539px-Boom_Brachydios.png&imgrefurl=http://es.monsterhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Brachydios&h=479&w=539&tbnid=cGb53_m2MpxDkM:&docid=DQoDedVkWa6DuM&hl=en&ei=OBnWVZ2UCYKrgwTrrr_YBA&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CCoQMygFMAVqFQoTCJ2QxJKiuMcCFYLVgAoda9cPSw
Is there a limit on how many legendary marks you can get each week?
What happens if I am half way through the elder cypher quest? If it carries over will I be offered the same choice from the three weapons currently on offer if I complete after tkk........a choice of different weapons, the year two equivalent....... Or nothing?
Will my nechrochasm that I spent two months grinding for be obsolete in pve?
Will we be able to live out our weird Anime Sword Fantasies with the newly introduced Swords?
Edited by CrossFire3A1: 8/20/2015 5:36:38 PMWhere is the TTK Digital Download for Xbox 360? When can we purchase it? Why can the other three platforms purchase it now? What's the odds these questions will be ignored again? I know this isn't relevant to the stream but it is to those of us on the 360. It has been asked many times now. Apparently there is no one with an answer on your side of fence. So how about answering the community you are representing.
Is there any way to watch this if you werent able to watch the live stream? I really want to watch it, but can't find it.
Will year one exotics be able to be infused with other weapons?
Cozmo is there ever going to be a way to get low level marks, bonds and cloaks from uncommon / rare engrams without deleting a character. Theres loads of awsome looking stuff we cant access without starting again? Excellent stream yesterday, keep up the good work
Are they going improve the weapons in the taken king because the ones in the prison of elders were total crap. And why can't we ascend old legendary weapons-- first we can't then we can now we can't again what's the deal with that.