I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Will the Reef (Queen) have a faction. Or are the current factions all there will be.
Can you use year 1 legendary gear to upgrade year 2 legendary gear with fusion?
Why are you nerfing gjallarhorn the only gun capable of killing a boss in a suitable amount of time while the bosses cant be close quartered and pretty much snipes you when your not even bringing it into year 2
Will xur sell the mentor missive since I have never gotten one
If I start a new character when taken king drops, will I be getting rares and legendaries at level 16-20, but then when I hit level 21 everything that drops will be common/uncommon again? That'll be really weird if that's the case.
Strange Coins? Motes of Light? Exotic Shards? will ALL exotics be TTK upgradeable? if not WHY? it makes the hours spent in Destiny chasing them pointless, which makes me wary of this repeating with future DLC??!! making playing Destiny totally irrelevant....
Where are the damn DLC achievements already Bungie? After years of Halo DLC and new Cheevos for every one, why not Destiny DLC cheevo love? Want the Hellman?
I have three level 34s, will all three of my characters start at level 34 when TTK king drops
What will happen to all year 1 exotics when the year 2 exotics are here
You are a g cozmo
Will the spark of light e useful to anyone who already has max of each character
What happened to upgrades materials?
Is Nolan Beyond going to have more to say during activities like patrol and the raid? And will he say any dialog involving Wizards and the Moon?
What happens to the exotic stat rolls when ttk comes?
Will we get only one of the instant 25 items? Or one per character?
Will there be an exotic sword. You can't add swords and then not make one!
Im waiting for the reveal that Gjallerhorn is NOT being brought to Year 2 and will forever be Nerfed and Stuck at 365. I would die laughing!
Couple questions What happens to etheric light?(should I just use them) Are year one exotic weapons able to be raised to the highest level by infusion? (This was a bit unclear to me)
I really wish my scholar adept would get pushed to year 2. Sigh
Will we have an option for nightfalls or raids using the match making mechanics? Also, will there be an introduction of higher levels in the existing raids?
Question for bungie... why not utilize the grimoir cards obtained for the exotic blue prints? As it should be able to determine if the code was used and if it was obtained after utilizing the card code
Will excess etheric light be utilized in anyway?
At the top of the screen there should be a boss HP bar
What is the max DMG and defence
I think my dog is telling the NSA secrets about me, but how can I be sure?