I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
What will happen to etheric light? And will we have to infuse iron banner or trials gear
Yes will swords drop from heavy legendary engrams or is there completely diffrent way to get them
Edited by PunkReal: 8/20/2015 9:41:18 AMMy question is the armsday will be arive on wednesday,but the thing is i only can play my ps4 every weekend...is my armsday will still arive on weekend?
Does anyone know what stats the exotic will have that you can rebuy? I've got some pretty good rolls on some armors and it would suck if the version I could buy back later had a default roll.
Edited by ItsRmad: 8/20/2015 8:50:41 AM1 How will we receive the pre order bonuses like the the suros weapons and 2 will we ever be able to change the looks/sex/race of our characters 3 does the character boost give you automatic upgrades for ex if I wanted to start a new Titan will he have certain perks unlocked
What I wanted to know is if ships play a higher part than just flying around.
Vault space lmao
Cozmo, if you you could... Please try and find out when or if last gen consoles will be able to preorder? I'm on Xbox 360 and am really hoping that all of us will be able to pre-order TTK.
Hi Cosmo, Couple of questions: 1. I have legendary cloaks & bonds from the speaker that I have gained during year one having spent 25 motes each time. Upon release will these items gain perks or will they become redundant? If they do become redundant how will Destiny compensate me for buying the same aesthetic item twice? 2. Year one weapons. Could you please clarify Deejs repeated warning to keep our year one legendaries - I cannot see what purpose they will serve? Can a year one legendary be used to infuse a year two? If we dismantle them after release will they produce legendary marks? Hope you will be able to help.
hey man! I need weapon parts.
Hey I love how we can change dances now and was wondering about how many new dances are there and is it still possible to add in more before release because i know that i would love to have the macarena for all three of my guardians
Nothing was really answered and it feels very similar to the house of wolves in terms of ease of use added but equalled by frustration over new systems which come launch day still won't be explained and leave the community to figure it all out on their own by trial and error.. what is the maximum light possibly achievable int the taken king? if light level doesn't matter too much other than too add more attack and defence then how much of a role does it truly play with actual damage and defends figures in battle? how do I get the new foundry weapons? if you make legendary marks an unlimited commodity to farm, why put a cap on them at all? all in all it seems like they added a few unnecessary things for showmanship and glitter like appeal but if the story or raid fails then I fail to see the hype
How will I be able to get the collector's items from the dlc? I really don't want to buy the game and first two expansions again just to get a few class items. Why are these items being withheld from those not willing to re-purchase items ( game/expansions ) they already own? If I already own the game and the expansions, why isn't the collector's edition discounted?
Basically, nothing was answered except vault space. And it was obvious that reveal was planned all along. So we all wasted our time asking questions? Awesome. Thanks, Cozmo.
Question for next time. Can we please see some of the new weapon foundrys?
Etheric lights still gonna be used? What materials and such go obsolete?
I hope my bad juju is coming back! It's my wife...
So the goal was to use this thread, the studio audience and cozmo as a vault space gag. Wow. So none of these questions really mattered ...
Wow. Really disappointed. I'm at a loss for words..the changes that were introduced conveys a fundamental lack of care/knowledge of how the community wants to enjoy the game. The vast majority does not want to lose the legendary gear in its entirety..and a good portion of the exotic gear, which required hundreds of hours to obtain.. Just unbelievable. A flippant disregard for the player base. I'm done.
And thank you bungie for the vault space and the cool stuff you shown us in the twitch video. I was busy all day and if i was on twitch i wouldve asked a few questions but there is always next time. i do hope you guys answer the one question i asked... need an answer. getting glimmer is so hard, but maybe in the TTK it would be simple. Saving up to 25000 and then spending it all in just one second isnt cool. but if we had glimmer up to like 100,000 then i can save up and spend and keep a good balance :) i hope ill catch you guys again on the other twitch broadcast. and im out :) #NJ
Edited by Ghost J34: 8/19/2015 9:29:15 PMAfter watching the stream and hearing the questions you asked, this thread was clearly just a form of shameless pandering in an attempt to seem like you actually cared. Embarrassing.
My only question is... When will you guys change the glimmer max from 25000 to idk maybe like 100,000?
Im curious about trials. Is it going to continue? If so, are there going to be a new arsenal of gear?
What use will there be for etheric light? Can I safely dismantle emblems and shaders before TTK? When retrieving an exotic from a blueprint, Will it need to be releveled again?
What happens to the achievement for earning max crucible marks in a week if you haven't got it once ttk is released ?
Will there be a kiosk to keep your collected raid weapons?