I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
So what exactly was the point of the questions? All you wound up doing was having a running joke about Vault Space everytime Deej went to you. There were lots of good questions being asked in chat about reforging, Etheric Light, etc., but everytime Deej went to you you tried to make some joke about "so and so wants to know about vault space." SMH
Can you tell us more about the blink nerf plz?
I was wondering when the digital version of The Taken King will be available for pre-order. I went to Gamestop and they said it wasn't available yet. I wanted to pre-order it for the PS3 from Gamestop. So, once again, when will the The Taken King digital version be available for pre-order?
Where is the pre-order for xbox 360 ttk dlc? I got Destiny disc for both 360 and xb1, and digital Destiny and all dlc so we all want to know how we pre-order so we get the pre-order bonuses?
Blueprints allow you to get back any exotic you might have dismantled. Does that mean you can get back exotics you have dismantled on year 1? I really World like to get my invective Back.
Edited by pwningall: 8/20/2015 3:59:20 AMWhy are only a few exotics being carried over into year two? Selling Gally last week was a cruel joke of its not going to be carried over
Will you ever fix the glitches in Crotas End!?? Or atleast make Crota Harder?(more health) Crotas End is the least enjoyable thing in Destiny to me it's so boring and all requires glitches and it's not challenging or fun. CROTA is too easy now that guardians are so way higher level than the difficulty level. Atheon is hard as a 30 but still hard as a 34! Make Crota the same make him have more health! Like seriously plz. [spoiler]work on fixing the events/raids/strikes not in nerfing weapons. [/spoiler]
Is there any more vault space?
Thank you Cozmo, for answer almost none of the community's questions. What seemed like a very useful thread, was absolutely pointless.
Why did he want us to ask questions if all he did was ask the one about the vault space?
Thanks a ton I didn't get to watch it live as I was at work but I'm now sold.
So we have another community puppet who did nothing to ask any of the questions the real community wanted to know about. Thanx for being a bitch Cosmo
I like how none of the questions posted were actually asked. Except for vault space. That was intentional.
What does bungie do with all the money time and tears people spend on this game?
Will you actually answer our questions?
why did we take the time to ask questions when everything was already scripted.....
Edited by UniversalRemote6969: 8/20/2015 4:56:58 AMAfter you determine our level or whatever your doing, what will our year one gear be good for? Dismantle for legendary marks or just simple weapon/armour parts? Kinda confused on the topic.
I have to say I am pretty disappointed with how the Q&A went. We didn't actually get any questions answered. Based on what I saw, TTK is just giant Smartphones being added to the Tower walls to keep our Shaders and Emblems and all the Grinding we did Year One is 99 percent wiped away.
Will there be private crucible matches in TTK?
I'll admit, the year 2 armor and weapons looked pretty interesting in the reveal today. However, I can't easily look past the fact that all the gear I've earned through playing this game will be cast aside in a manner of weeks in order to stay relevant. I liked ascending weapons, but this new infusion process looks like it has potential to be more interesting. [b]My point:[/b] Will it be possible to take old gear, and forge it with new perks, and higher values? I'd like to take my Lord High Fixer and give it some new perks and possibly a different damage type, but remain the same base stats, appearance, and name.
I have a question 👋 Why was deej getting so mad when we wanted vault space he should have just showed us first.
why the hell are u not letting us upgrade year 1 weapons that we all worked hard to get. if u earn it u should be able to keep using it and not feel hindered for it and also how is the knew light level better if u ask me the new system looks way more confusing than the old one. not to mention weapons are going to affect that level that in itself is another diss towards the people that are going to want to use their old guns cuz not will just the gun be weaker so will their whole gaurdain. not cool bungie not at all. this whole time ive been telling people keep playing it will get better. well now u have literally turned me into a lier thank u very much. u better change this crap before release or u will be loosing another beta veteran.
Edited by EARWAK3R: 8/20/2015 1:02:26 AMWow, so many questions got asked.....(sarcasm obvs) out of the 4 questions asked, 3 were about vault space. And why oh why does deej still pretend hes a destiny super fan and not some smarmy suit?!!! Pretending like hes hyped for weapons again when he hasnt even completed 1 raid or hit the cap for the last expansion. His demeanor at these twitch streams is so contrived its cringeworthy. Deej pretending to love destiny is like when your dad pretends to like the music youre into.
I am NOT new to Destiny... Just wanted to get that across.. Was wondering WHO does the marketing @ Bungie ?.... Mickey mouse or Minnie !! Just sat for an hour watching the stream... VERY BORING !! This aint floating my boat... Was about to pre-order TTK... Think I will be holding off for a bit...
Anyone else hyped for the swords, heard you can. Block with them.
Will Xür sell exotic blueprints??????