I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Will Xür sell exotic blueprints??????
Swords. [b][i]TELL US ABOUT THE SWORDS!!![/i][/b]
Will the new exotic class items take up an exotic slot
This thread was so disingenuous.
Cozmo they treated you like shit on the stream
My question is, how come you made a post about answering questions but haven't answered any question?
What was the point of this Q&A thread if you had no intention of asking any questions?
can xbox owners get ps exclusves without getting taken king
So homie can we really only bring some year one exotics?
Edited by Beast123: 8/20/2015 4:04:14 AMHere's a good question. Will destiny always be doomed for 30 FPS or will it receive an upgrade and go to 60 FPS? [spoiler]take that sentence as you will as long as you know what I mean [/spoiler]
Well I sell something good for once
Not sure if this has been asked or not, and I'd rather not wade through everything so here it is If i download the digital TTK (standalone) on last gen, will it transfer over to current gen for free like the other two DLCs? (I'd also like to know if there's an upgrade available for the entire TTK package as well) I still play on both systems regularly and would very much like to continue doing so without buying the DLC twice.
So I have to level year 1 exotics fully to have the year 2 exotic blueprints available?
Faction ghost shells?
Which faction is the best?
Why didn't you raise glimmer cap? What's with you guys always wanting to restrain players so much?
Wondering what the new gjallarhorn will be. Well whats its replacement ? Im curious!!!! And cant wait for hawkmoon boiii! Love you cozmos
Edited by Crafty: 8/20/2015 3:17:41 AMShould I
Should I stop selling exotics
1 more idea, transform year 1 to year 2 quest for exotics. example: place thunderlord on fire, then let ghost deliver that thunder in the flames to speaker, wait day or 2.... and boom you get it
hey comzo are you going to feature a new social area? i would like 2 social areas. 1 is at mercury "not lighthouse" and saturn
Where is all of the content that Destiny should have originally had in the first place?
What happens to etheric light?
Will old exotics like hard light SUROS ohave a damage type on its free getting the newer version of it? (Solar void arc)
So if I get a raid gear that requires lvl 40 and I'm 39. That raid gear is pretty much useless when I'm lvl 40. Besides the perks. Shouldn't the higher light lvl do something?
Are you serious with the armor and weapons determining your level. That's stupid I'm not a hoarder and I shouldn't be dealing less damage because I don't keep every gun I get.