I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Tell us how the new ghost dialogue works
Would you be able to take a look at the Last Word style exotic in the vault? From its icon it looks really cool and I would love to see more of it.
Can you tell me where the stream is preferably YouTube if so plz do a tutorial on how to get legendary a and exotics fast and pvp gjalleyhorn plz plz plz [spoiler]i got it from xzúr[/spoiler]
Edited by Myxzpeetlk: 8/20/2015 1:58:11 AMAre we ever going to see a glimmer cap increase? And I noticed no Y2 Gjallahorn......
What was the information that you guys said you would have for us that reserved/ purchased the collector's edition of taken king yet already owned Destiny and it's expansions. It was in Bungie update back in mid June and still no word. Also will strange coins be irrelevant or continue to be of importance. Bungie update 6/24/2015 [u]Straight quote from said article is below [/u] 'If you purchased the existing Digital Collector’s Edition, and you already owned Destiny and both expansion packs, we’ll have some additional information for you soon.'
Edited by Pope: 8/20/2015 1:42:27 AMWill most of our exotics carry over or only a few I'm not going to lie if most exotics don't come with that's really going to blow . I would pay for bringing them over like they showed . Also if you read this don't post don't you want to use new weapons not the same and yes I do but it would be nice to have a few things from year 1 like fan favorites . like gjallarhorn
Hi Cozmo, I know it's beating a dead horse but: matchmaking. Any changes being made? I really hope you take a moment to read this as I'm trying to make a level-headed argument for it. I slightly understand the argument behind no matchmaking in Raids (at least on hard) but that argument doesn't work for any other modes. Nearly everything should have it. Nightfalls and Prison of Elders 32/34 are obvious as there is literally zero reason for them not to have it. Trials of Osiris? That should also have matchmaking. However, it should match you up with other matchmade teams, while pre-made fireteams would be matched up with other pre-made fireteams. Even the story missions should have (optional) matchmaking. At the very least, the Daily Story should as that can be a pain (meaning: not as fun) to play alone every day (especially on multiple characters). Finally, the Raids. Standard matchmaking should be applied on the original two Raids when played on normal. They've been out long enough now. Many look at normal Crota as a longer strike. And honestly, now that players can hit level 40, standard matchmaking will probably work for hard as well. But as for the new Raid, why not introduce a "lobby" system for matchmaking? Even Phantasy Star Online did this back in the day on Dreamcast. When you go to start up the raid, you can either open a "lobby" that other people can join when they read the description you make for it. Or you can join others. I hope you guys are listening. The lack of proper matchmaking is the only thing, in my mind, holding back Destiny from being brilliant. The LFG sites sometimes work but sometimes they don't. It took me an HOUR to find people for a Nightfall last night. That's just ridiculous and shouldn't be happening. Please guys.
Why you sorted staff on 1 and 2 year ? Also what happend to all previous raids like vog crota and poe also how trials be looking after dlc ? So guardian with year 1 staff will don't have chance to bit guardian year2?
Do we get the legendary suros weapons with the preorder, or are we able to purchase them? I was just wondering if we still have to buy them.
one of the characters was showing off a new artifact that looked like a fallen sword! Looks like all the new emotes are just dance moves haha
Where are the damn DLC achievements Bungie? Cmon. After Halo achievement happy Bungie did you forget to make more? Even COD gets DLC Cheevos!!!!!!
Why are the Crucible guns the color of the Seattle SeaHawks?
If my friend is the same class as me can we do the subclass earning mission together?
Edited by Swarley Sheen: 8/19/2015 11:18:30 PMAll the new Crucible weapons are green and blue... Nice one Bungie. [spoiler]Go Hawks![/spoiler] [spoiler]Cue 49ers fans with "I Quit Destiny" posts[/spoiler]
Hello, I was wondering if you will still be able to access all year one destiny armors, weapons when the Taken Kings realize, Thank you.
Edited by Ben, Orphan of Oryx: 8/20/2015 1:27:31 AMWhy did you guys not create new class items for the speaker to sell and new sparrows & ships to sell from the crucible/vanguard quarter master? year two was going to be a refresh of everything i thought. you guys refreshed the guns and armor variants so why can't i ride a sweet new sparrow? ghost shells were a nice addition, props for that although they looked like they didn't rly put any effort into the color scheme or design of them. So the guardian outfitter is still useless LOL, might as well let her leave the tower in peace, no one seems to like including you guys. Also thank you for the legendary engrams from the crypt arch, vault space, and quest lines.
Why is the collector's edition ghost so worthless with only 3 defense when you pay $80 extra for that and an emblem?
Nothing was revealed about artifacts like the teaser said it would...when can we hear about those?
So we farming for materials again? Since the crucible handler doesn't have the material exchange (marks for spinmetal) and the ghost having special perks to look for the material while in patrol?
[quote]I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.[/quote] Don't have any questions...just want to say you guys are kicking ass...keep up the good work..I'm in it for the long haul...GUARDIAN OUT
When the new Light values for weapons come out will anything that has not been Ascended be bumped up in line with the rest of our gear or will it have a lower Light level? Will more Year One Exotics be added to Year Two over time? For clarification, the Spark of Light boosts your level, but can it also boost your other sub classes? (for Year 1 vets this is more asking for the new sub classes) Will any Year 1 Speaker class items be updated with the new stats and perks or will we have to repurchase them? Is Master Rahool really giving up Legendary Engrams? I think he's scheming something... Finally, not so much a question but more of a possible request. Would you guys be open to consider implementing a "Retirement" system, essentially this would be set up to retire old weapons and armor without dismantling them or them taking up space. It would be similar to a Collections page, but you get to see stats like total time used, total kills, headshots, accuracy, etc. And maybe if you have a whole armor set (For example I have the Hunter's Dust Walker armor set) it would show a screen shot of the whole armor.
Are you going to add a trading system in TTK?
Will there be [b]Private Matches[/b]? Pleaseeeee Bungieeee
Edited by ALLANM07: 8/20/2015 12:55:16 AMmany of us have tons of strange coins, are you planning on having a different use for them in the new dlc?
how do we aquire ghost shells?
Here is the full live stream