I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Here is the full live stream
Will we still be able to reforge
Lol good job cozmo and I am so glad to see a lack of she's my nerd in that tourney
Edited by Hi55le: 8/20/2015 7:13:38 AMThis isn't a question just an answer to Deej's question around the 34:00 minute mark where he dismantles a legendary item but doesn't receive any marks. It's because you're maxed out on your marks #deej
Edited by Magikarp: 8/19/2015 11:58:39 PMHow will swords work Also will we get legendary marks from regular crucible matches and strike playlists?
What level can your light go up to?
If light is removed will we keep our current level or have to start over from 20?
If we can upgrade Thunderlord to the year 2 version, why not Gjallarhorn? I don't get why people keep saying Ghorn will be useless? Is it confirmed by bungie, or is it just speculation?
Is the only way to acquire foundry weapons via arms day? I'm referring to the normal versions, not the faction ones
Who else likes the prat if the stream where he was like"Scrubkiller69 asks..." Hahahahahah
Saw the new dance moves. Did not throw money at screen
Can you confirm what we get for dismantling unwanted/double legendarys after 9/15? Can you speculate on infusing old exotics that have a y2 version. in the vid you showed invective as a y2 weapon. If I had the y1 and y2 can I infuse the y2 with y1. Or can I infuse a y2 with a brand new y2 of the same or different exotic weapon? Can you say if we will have app access to the new storages for transfers? For the leveling xp, can u say anything to the potential length of time for leveling to 40 from 34? I really would like to know if the req xp will grow a lot to give more work at reaching the cap. I don't want it handed out. A lot of players are stock piling public event packages
So what time does the twitch reveal start
I apologize if this has been covered, but what is the highest light level attainable in year 2?
Is there a link or anything to see the stream from today?
Screw the vault, hurry up with blink
I know it's over, but I still have a few questions. -I didn't see Eris in the stream tower. Did she move? -What about etheric light? Is it just going to be like the other upgrade materials? -If you're taking into account all our gear and weapons for our level when we transition, is it by how many we have? How many we have ascended? Or just by the amount of exotics?
Is there a faster dps weapon than gjallarhorn in ttk
Say a person already has all theirs characters over level 25 (I got all 3 at 34)... What is the spark of light gonna dismantle to? Maybe give those who already have all maxed characters a taken King starter weapon, or dare I say an uncommon or rare!?
If I delete shaders/ emblems now will I have them in TTK?
Can I infuse my g horn day one of the taken king dlc to make it in to the year two stats or no ? Is it getting left behind bungie/cozmo?
So....just asking here I'm sure bungie would not reveal anyway but..... If all year 1 legendaries are obsolete n year 2..... What is the point of having a 10 year commitment plan announced up front.... That was a big selling point for me..... The concept that a players gear and rewards they were working toward .... Would not become completely irrelevant n the future DLCs or sequels I understand how mmos work gear blah etc..... That not exactly the question..... I guess it's how can bungie say that destiny (from character creation) to whatever date (present even).... Is a ten year character investment Seems to me .... I will have a small head start on what will be considered materials for upgrading gear..... But only the appearance of my character remains the same.... NO attitude ....I like destiny But would have made different choices n relation to the release of HoW..... The HoW concepts were short lived .... And TTK initiates a redesign of a ton of concepts.... It seems that a TTK / destiny first time buyer.....is not that far behind a vet. Proposing that u are just changing the systems you are putting in place.... To intentionally break apart a 10 year commitment plan Other than character appearance.... I am a player who has run the grind for most of the changed concepts each DLC....and u end up n the same place each new DLC release I am excited about some of TTK stuff But bungie should give more of a heads up on what will actually be relavent to the future of destiny Sorry about long question post Would like to know if bungie..... intends on keeping this "hush hush -> reveal" pattern up..... or Intends on explaining the direction of the game conceptd ahead of time (more than 4 weeks) Ps: app scrolling in post creation / editing doesn't work
Anybody else notice the sword on the hunters back and in Deejs vault?
Anyone else notice the legendary strangers rifle? Thought the no time to explain was an exotic
How do your current marks carry over to legendary marks?
Edited by Xeno_The_Beast: 8/20/2015 12:01:50 AMMore in depth explanation on the leveling