I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Can someone give me a link to the recap?
Bumpity bump bump
Did he even ask 1 forum question ? I thought he asked audience questions
First WTF is up with the marks? I could get 600 a week and hold up to 1200 now I can only hold 200? That is -blam!-en dumb. It going to take longer to get marks now and use have to use 150 for one weapons. It should be able to hold at least 400 marks. Once again bungie -blam!-s up. Every time they show of new content they make it worst. Crota it was 31 armor, and the new raid materials, House of wolves was no raid and give us a shit horde mode. Hold its all old gear is shit and there is no point in doing old parts of the game plus the -blam!-en marks are nerf so we hold far less if you have three character which means we will have to spend 200 as fast as we can because I will be losing marks when I hit cap. I can get 200 a week per character. Stop -blam!-en up everything. Let people hold equal amount of marks like we normally do.
Will there be a youtube video of the stream. I was in school and could not watch it.
Edited by I-grady-l: 8/19/2015 9:31:22 PMWill shaders and ships ever be sold(Faction)? Not for glimmer but for rank hopefully? The people that are rank 60 above with nothing but one shader would love this. I know I would. Who else fells the same way?
Will you be able to buy the Taken King Collectors edition on the 360, and if not can it be purchased on the Xbox one and played on the 360?
Since it was in the tower, you would of thought they might have mentioned something about Xur and any changes they would be making to that system but no. And what's the point of the 3rd collection in the Vault for misc. if everything is going to be stored at those ATM terminals?
If we missed the stream, is there a way to watch it again somewhere?
Sword heavy huh? I give it a month after ttk untill the lil bitches start crying nerf.
Can you get the sword on all classes.
Edited by PaleHorse79: 8/19/2015 9:23:45 PMWhat is the cap for the new Marks? Is it still 200 effectively cutting our buying power in half and artificially increasing playtime, or has the cap increased to allow us to earn as many as before? Currently we can earn 200 Total Marks per week & have 400 total ( you just can't earn or spend them all in the same place). If the caps stay the same we will only be able to earn 100 & have 200 total.
Will the Taken King update affect those who don't buy the DLC? [i](ex. Quests, Buyable vendor gear, level cap, weapon blueprints,etc.) [/i]
Looks like I owe Luke Smith an apology. I am 99% sure I'm buying this game now. [i]Money on the screen mode: ENGAGED[/i]
Edited by Jake2001: 8/19/2015 9:04:27 PM1) what's the new light level cap?? 2) what's the attack/defence value cap??
Anyone know what the max attack power will be? And the max light ?
This thread was so pointless
Um this I really want to know. Mida gonna be upgradeable? Its the ONLY exotic scout rifle in year one. Really should be upgradeable.
Chicken.... Whats your take on it?
What is being done with the hard earned etheric light we have left over? Will it be used to upgrade anything in ttk? Etheric light is end-game content, so I expect it to have a good use.
Edited by PhraustStryke: 8/20/2015 12:00:12 AM[i][b]POST REDACTED BY AUTHOR[/b][/i]
Thanks to DeeJ, Cozmo, and the entire team at bungie, had a big smile on my face pretty much the whole time
When it says some exotic blueprints will have new conunterparts for year 2 do they really mean some? I can't help but notice that The Ram, Nothing Manticles & HoPF are all missing in Year 2, which makes me thing all the good exotics are out. Are you telling us the 3 month old exotics are now going to be obsolete?
Edited by Rvsnak: 8/19/2015 2:21:11 PMWhen will custom games/private matches be in Destiny?
Why did you change your user to Cozmo deej? Why the alias deej?
How are you going to tell us we can't use LEGENDARIES after Taken King until we get to level 40? Is that real? Are you taking my 3 34's down to 0 or 20 or what? Are you all on acid? Do you want your most loyal players to simply quit for good? Are you completely tone-deaf?