I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
How are you going to tell us we can't use LEGENDARIES after Taken King until we get to level 40? Is that real? Are you taking my 3 34's down to 0 or 20 or what? Are you all on acid? Do you want your most loyal players to simply quit for good? Are you completely tone-deaf?
Will the new features of patrol be available on all destinations or will they be available exclusively to the Dreadnaught?
Can you please talk about Intellect Discipline and Strength in exotic armor will it change when you dismantle and forge it again?!
Poor Eris never got mentioned. She's moved spaces, probably won't sell DB gear, and surely is still important. Really wish we got to she her for at least a minute or two!
Lol people still asking questions even though the stream ended 2 hours ago xD
For people with 3 characters sharing only 200 marks between them is a huge step backwards.
Will the frontier shell be upgraded?
Wait!!!' So I'll have a new look NLB ???
How does the dance emotes work can we buy some with in game currency or is it just the dlc add on for 20.00? Also how many weapons ans s haders are we looking at?
Will there be any way to upgrade old legondaries?
Do all year ones start TTK at level 20? (Level 25 with spark) Therefore any newly rolled character can obtain the same exp level from day 1 in year 2. The difference will be armour/weapons collected only.
What will you do with the frontier ghost for the limited edition owners such as me. Will you give it unique property's or did we just get a timed exclusive
Will there be a transmog-like system in TTK? If Year 1 Equipment wont be good enough for Year 2 content, at least let us keep and switch out the looks for our stuff (plus, Willbreaker armor looks sweet). Exotics can obviously be the exception.
So can u upgrade old exotics through blueprints, how does that work plz
So are we all getting knocked back to level 25 since there's no boost from light level?
When us the twitch reveal
Weak Cozmo... Real weak...
thanks for nothing kosmoz good job lil buddy
What was the point in posting our questions, when you hardly asked any?
Guys there is a new weapon called arc edge it's a SWORD I paused the video and saw it!
Where can I watch the reveal. I wasn't able to watch it.
Good job on killing the Gjallarhorn guys, not only getting it nerfed, but it wont even be upgradeable in year two, not to mention the majority of the year one exotics, so much work for nothing.
What time will the dlc go live? Was really hoping you guys would reveal...
I have Destiny for Xbox 360 if I pre order the taken king for Xbox one will my characters carry over?! Or do I have to buy it for Xbox one.