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Edited by Cozmo_BNG: 8/19/2015 4:21:58 PM

Twitch Questions for Live Reveal

I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.

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  • I have Destiny for Xbox 360 if I pre order the taken king for Xbox one will my characters carry over?! Or do I have to buy it for Xbox one.

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    4 Replies
    • Sword!??! Blacked out Suros and Red Death!?!? VAULLT SPACEEEEE!!! HYYPPPPEE!!!

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      4 Replies
      • Bungie said they will reveal artifacts on the trailer for the reveal what happened to that?

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      • just as i suspected, you're not answering shit, plz, plz, reply to me to prove me wrong.

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        2 Replies
        • Edited by FearSellize: 8/19/2015 10:51:10 AM
          I tried skimming through all the posts and this is what I've gathered into one big post for easier access for you Cozmo. 20 questions should suffice. 7 Questions added on behalf of community. I tried to fit as much as the community's most FAQ so it would be easier for the stream to read these all. I won't be able to see the stream but i'll see the recap, have a great day Guardians! [i]These are in no particular order of importance. [/i] 1. The Vault: Any new additions/switches to vault space and/or layout? 2. Grimoire Score: In TTK videos we have seen guardian emblems not having any Grimoire under their names like usual, could you explain? 3. Patrol Events: Will the patrol events such as Wolf hunting or Blades of Crota be still available or will they dissapear with TTK? 4. Stranger's Rifle: Will the weapon be required to obtain "No Time to Explain" and if yes, will there be a new way to obtain the weapon for the poor souls who dismantled it? 5. Raid Rewards: Will the previous raids drop Gear/Weapons that will match up to TTK standards or will it all be the same as it is now? 6. Legendary Marks: Will our marks of 200 Vanguard and 200 Crucible combine into 400 Legendary marks? 7.Exotic Weapon Blueprints: How do they work? 8. Artifacts: How do they work? How do we obtain them? Could you show us an example of one? 9. [b][i]Beards.[/i][/b]/Transmog (Ability to change character appearance) 10. Glimmer: Will there be a new Glimmer cap? 11. Raids: How will they still be relevant aside from Speaker trading? 12. Etheric Light: What will we be able to with Etheric Light when TTK drops? 13. Trials of Osiris: Will brother vance still have any worth to us? 14. Story Length: House of Wolves storyline can be completed in a fairly easy amount of time, i'd say an hour and a half. How long, estimated, do you think it will take for this story mode to be completed? 15. Sparrows: With the introduction of new weapon/armor designs, will sparrows still look the same or will I finally be able to feel like a special snowflake on my one of a kind NEW Sparrow? 16. Materials: Any helpful hints on which materials we should be trying to save up? Motes, Strange coins, etc. 17. Private Matches: Custom games to play with friends, allowing the player to customize their own game? No supers, No Heavy, faster recharge times, Burns, etc. 18. Nightfalls: What will the level cap for Nightfalls be? With the new system and all. 19. Stuff we can Purchase: Will we be able to purchase items such as; Faction Ships, Faction Shaders, or Weapon Parts? 20. Shaders: Any new shaders you really like that you could enjoy showing off to us? 21. UK Pricing: 40$ is not the same as £40. Could you explain the issue on that 22. Exotics: How exactly will the upgrade process work for year 2 exotics? Notably, do we need to save duplicate year 1 exotics now and dismantle them later for use in the upgrade process or will our current exotic shards still be usable? 23. Gunsmith Reforge: Will year 2 legendary weapons and armor be reforgable by the gun smith? Will year one legendaries still be reforgable by the gun smith after the start of year 2? 24. Raid Delays: Will the new raid be avaialble in the first week after taken king release or will its initial release be delayed (like vault of glass was)? If delayed, how long will the delay be? (estimate) 25. Exotic Class Items: Can you tell us more about the collectors edition exclusive exotic class items : will similar or equivalent experience boosts be available from non-exclusive class items? Will these exclusive items be useful for leveling gear (and not just our character level)? 26. Year 1 Legendaries: Are there any plans to make year 1 legendaries upgradable at a later time (like vanilla exotics were not upgradable in the dark below but became upgradable later)?[ 27. Launch Time: Midnight release or is the TTK a scheduled time? Many of us can start planning days off work and would help out a lot.

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          613 Replies
          • So do yall think year one exotics like have year two counterparts will still drop or be obsolete. Bc how else am I gonna finish my collection

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            3 Replies
            • Let me get this straight. All of our marks become commendations ( 1 to 1 ratio?) and then we start with 0 Legendary Marks. Am I right?

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              8 Replies
              • Guys the reveal ended no more questions

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                • So are all my marks going to convert into legendary marks? Or should I spend them before TTK drops?

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                  2 Replies
                  • Since you guys mentioned our Crucible and Vanguard marks are gonna become commendations I got a few questions about those: 1. What's the exchange rate? How many Crucible/Vanguard marks equal 1 commendation 2. How much reputation do I get from a commendation? 3. Will the commendations be in the [i][b]lost items[/b][/i] tab or the [i][b]messages[/b][/i] of the postmaster? 4. Do I get one message containing all my crucible/vanguard commendations (so 2 in total) or one per commendation (??? in total) 5. How will this interact with other items I chose to leave at the postmaster?

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                  • Edited by Hi im Al: 8/19/2015 8:16:13 PM
                    Will the extreme lag issues and lack of constant physics in this game ever be addressed...I would like to know that if I buy the taking king that it won't consist of me shotgunning somebody having them take two steps shotgun me than die. Aim assist becomes a burden when you're lagging. Attempting to lock on to what is it supposed to be the target when it's no longer there. what are you aiming at swinging around like a punchdrunk boxer. I hope year two is way better than your one.

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                  • What will be the equivalent of gjally before the neck in the ttk?

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                  • What happens to etheric light?

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                  • Is it true we get a sword weapon class?

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                  • Are you abandoning old-gen consoles? Why can't anyone preorder TTK for 360?

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                    1 Reply
                    • What can I do with my Etheric light post year one? Will it be converted by itself?

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                    • Why is the glimmer cap the same, more important, LEGENDARY marks are now a lower amount that crucible/vanguard/ so we have less, WTF

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                      14 Replies
                      • Is the ghally coming to year 2

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                      • Can we safely delete shaders/emblems/ships today and have them show up in collections on 9/15?

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                        6 Replies
                        • How are the faction quests going to work? Are there going to be new ones each week?

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                        • Is it possible for a random guardian or two to become taken during the kings fall raid?

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                          4 Replies
                          • Is the Glimmer cap ever going to be increased? 25,000 is so poor!!! and im kinda upset with the Legendary Mark cap.. being 200... why not 400 since it's the mix between Vanguard and Crucible... the cap is always getting reduced instead of increased, i just don't understand why the limit there... is really pointless. Making us use it and not stack it up is a pain in the butt. And especially because is shared with all the 3 characters now... so 200 only for 3 characters? for real? XD we had 1200 between the 3 characters... at least it should have sticked with 1000 cap.

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                            8 Replies
                            • To everyone saying only vault space was answered, some people have not kept up with the latest news everyday, so for many, all the stuff shown was very new. I do keep up with the news, but just be considerate for those that do not.

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                            • Edited by Rykkn: 8/19/2015 7:37:28 PM
                              Side note: I work for a NYC newspaper What should I be stocking up on as a year 1 guardian while waiting for TTK (That will help me out most)? Crucible marks/ Quests to turn in....etc? Thanks!

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                              4 Replies
                              • Appreciate the time you took going through the questions and picking an interesting selection. Glad you went to the effort.

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                              • Will Bungie be making the standard Xbox 360 TTK pre-orderable ?

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