I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Will Bungie be making the standard Xbox 360 TTK pre-orderable ?
Thanks for asking all the worthless questions! <$
Looks great! I'm ready for it to be here!
Will there be exotic sparrows,ghosts and/or shaders?
If we can turn invisible in the tower, and remove our helmets and dance and play soccer and all that jazz, why can't we double jump and or triple jump in the tower? I'm not saying its completely necessary and its about as pointless as the soccer ball, but just for some random fun I'd like to be able to double jump/glide. And possibly solid ships that we can jump on. I know this isn't a real sandbox game and all but I think it'd be cool to actually be able to jump on a random docked ship and have it take off with my guardian busting a mean temporarily invisible robot. Sure I'd die a bit after take off but still. Also I'd like to be able to knock over sweeper bots. Or push them. Something.
What's happening to Year 1 raid weapons and armor? Will they be infusable at all?
I just dont get the caps. They suck. No one can hit/pitch/catch for shit. *sarcasm* Now for my real statement Players will grind for marks and glim anyway. So why even have it? I mean itd be nice if they made a boost like 50k at least. And maybe 400 marks but 2 hundo? Idk. Idrc cuz ttk looks fuggin sweet. I just never understood why so low in the cap
When you pick a weapon manufacturer to rank up are you stuck with that specific manufacturer or can you switch back and forth whenever you want? Every interview or article says you just pick 1 and never says if you can switch later or not
Will exotic blueprints be included for items we deleted before TTK drops... Same question with emblems/shaders etc.. TY
Can you infuse The Stranger's Rifle? If not, CAN YOU MAKE IT INFUSEABLE?
The year 1 exotic armor being upgraded to year 2 has additional perks do you have to choose between the additional perks or are they all active?
Hey Cozmo, Let's say I got hardlight back in may and dismantled it for vaultspace. Come the TTK can I get it back through a blueprint or will I have to refind it?
Will all the content that was cut out before 2014 be available, or do we have to wait an entire year and pay more money for DLC's?
Is there an appearance modifier so I can NOT play as a super saiyen backstreet boy
I ordered the ghost edition... What will happen to my Frontier shell? Will it get some extra set of perks or will it be like every Ghost now?
Will old class items bought from the speaker be updated when the patch for TTK hits?
Are we still going to be able to reforge weapons at the gunsmith in the taken king?
You're a hero for the vault space interrogation. Good work.
Sorry. The economy is nicer, but until I see "CONTENT" I'm still out. Been out since June. Bring me back for something I'm begging u. I'm not grinding 200 marks for a f'n engram. My days of grinding are over. They were over at TDB when I decided wholeheartedly against purchasing HOW.
Can the broom bot get an upgrade? It's about time!
Edited by xDarkAngel1: 8/19/2015 6:53:34 PMCan we change our characters facial appearance in the tower?
I missed the stream when and where will it be posted so people who missed it can watch
Anything new in the shipwright?
What about the elusive Vesta Dynasty 347. It was supposed to come out in HoW. Why is it so similar to the Vestian dynasty sidearm, I've heard many theories on it but will this be like nechrocasm with husk of the pit?
Nice job bungie. Looked amazing!
If I have 200vanguard coms and 200crucible coms, do they merge and cap out at 200legendary marks?