I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Worst stream ever ...!!!!!!!!!!!
What was the point of this? Never even asked a single question really. No meaningful ones.
What gonna happen with the collectors edition of the ttk
[quote]I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.[/quote] I'm so fking stoked. Great show and thanks for the vault space!
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?
Has anyone seen my cat? I'm looking for my cat! It's black white feet, they look like socks! Please let me know if you see my cat!
Well done.
will year one weapons be able to be infused or is it only year 2?
Really excited. Well done guys
No artifact?
so these questions were for nothing huh? you only answered one question. So disappointing.
Awesome reveal! My hype just hit over 9000!
will bungie fix all the bugs and error codes before the taken king drops?
I wanted a little more info on the different mats in the inventory screen.
Will year 1 playstation exclusive armour be back as a legendary this time? It was some of the best looking gear in the game, but almost unusable due to its rare status, and this will only be worse with the massive reset come TTK.
I missed that sword I was looking at the creepy ass dance moves
So there were literally no questions taken? All just vault jokes? Why is the damn UK price so expensive?!
Grimoire score??
Anything new in the hangar? We didn't even go into that part of the Tower.
Is that a sword??
sword.....you just brush over that.....you bastards....
they didn't cover the artifact slot? didn't the teaser say they would?
Great work gentlemen, see you next week.