I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Are limited edition buyers getting a exclusive in game item
If we didn't get a year 1 exotic due to Playstation exclusivity, will we still get the blueprint benefit when we get them on XBL?
Can you still reforge weapons and or maybe armor too now? Also will there be custom games?
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?
Custom games?
Can we see some of the weapons from the vendors or Banshee? Or can we go use a legendary engram from the cryptarch?
Edited by Cpt_Acid_Trip: 8/19/2015 6:53:12 PMCan DEEJ stop creeping around and walk a little faster lol? And why wasn't his gjallahorn not in the year two exotic bluprints?
are we still able to reforge weapons?
Will Glimmer Cap be increased?
Where is Tess??
NON VAULT QUESTION COZMO! Is there a cap on Legendary Marks? If I have 200 Vanguard and 200 Crucible Marks on each character will that all be consolidated to only 200 marks across all characters?
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?
Edited by re-palb: 8/19/2015 6:51:58 PMWhy is suros getting nerfed again? It had max stability!! Please ask
Where's Tess?
Was that a remodeled Gjally in the blueprints for Year 2? Is it completely going away?
What about ethric light can we still use it or exchange it? everyone wanna know what happend i already have 200
Custom games?
What there is noo upgraded gjorn!!!! =(
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?
Edited by Exu: 8/19/2015 6:51:42 PMIs Tess back? Please go check her kiosk. I miss her.
Custom games?
Does the reef get any upgrades?
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?
So not all exotics are upgradable?