I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Are some Y1 Exotics being left behind? I saw some Exotics that weren't in Y2.
Custom crucible game play, will we see this in TTK?
Edited by Dzikko: 8/19/2015 6:47:28 PMIf we had obtained an exotic, and sharded it. Will it still appear in the blueprint page?
Can you please, please rename the year 2 Suros Regime with a suffix, having two guns the same name is confusing.
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?
Will Agility, Impact, Rate of Fire and other similar stats be defined more, as a point value or how much of a impact a increase or decrease will cause?
Is the Collector's edition ghost still relevant?
What about ethric light can we still use it or exchange it? everyone wanna know what happend i already have 200
How will Crucible balancing effect YR1 weapons? Will they be as viable as YR2?
Can we please get a character appearance option..having to delete a guardian and start all over in order to do this is absurd
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?
Will Year 2 weapons always drop? Or will Year 1 weapons drop and unlock the blueprint?
Are we going to be able to rotate weapons in TTK?
So old exotic's attack won't increase?
Is there an individual PVP rank to show off experience in the crucible in particular?
Can we still ascend our exotics to year 2 values or do we have to get the new versions?
Will the legendary ghost shell from the limited edition get Stat bonuses or is it useless?
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?
Will etheric light and VoG/CE raid materials still be useful?
Is the Collector's edition ghost still relevant?
I'd really like to see if we can get weapon skins in the future
Is the Collector's edition ghost still relevant?
Will we find an in-game raid finder?
What is Xur's Job now? whats that trickster up to?
Collectors edition ghost from year one, will it get perks?