I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Can we have any information about the Last chest in the Vault of glass?
Will anything happen to our Etheric Light now that it's useless?
Can we see what's xur's new items the three of coins?
What will Xur's purpose be in Y2?
Are limited edition buyers getting a exclusive in game item
A friend of mine had all of their characters deleted a couple weeks ago...would she be able to access the blueprints for her lost exotics?
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?
Edited by BlooJay: 8/19/2015 6:44:47 PMSHOW US THE VAULT! (please)
Will the year 1 new TTK exotic weapons look different?
Will there be new emotes aside from the ones you purchase from irl stores?
Custom games?
I have the Frontier Ghost Shell from the limited edition will that get upgraded or rather have its own perks?
What about Xur? Is he gonna have a new feature?
Will there be a trading vault? From Chief Macho
Will class items be upgraded with the taken king or will they remain blank items with just flavor text?
Edited by Sufinsil: 8/19/2015 6:45:15 PMWill all Armor Exotics have the same Str/Int/Disc? Since they are now in a collection system? Do we no longer have to hunt for that min/max version of Exotic Armor?
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?
What will happen to Ethiric light? I have over 100 of them :/?????
What stat rolls will we get with the duplicated exotic weapon blueprints? Will they be randomized or will it be an exact copy of what we already have?
What about exotic blueprints? Will that be covered today?
Edited by MolotovMongoose: 8/19/2015 6:45:19 PMWill some Exotics be left behind? I noticed that some Y1 armor wasn't in Y2.
how many Legendary Marks are we allowed to carry?
We've seen a new faction ship for FWC, does this mean the armor shader will be different as well, and will they be easier to obtain? For example, a fixed level to obtain a certain item rather than RNG?
If I already own Destiny Digital and Season pass (with DB and HOW) and I buy the retail version of taken king, can I give the season pass to my friend..aka are the codes are seperate?
Will Yr1 engrams carry over to Yr2. Can I decrypt exotic engrams and legendaries engrams and will they become Yr 2 gear?
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?